Top Stories published by Desiderium Sciendi in October of 2006

Future Shock

I’ve recently finished reading Future Shock by Alvin Toffler. This is one of the best non-fiction books I personally have ever read. Written back in 1970 it describes the increasing rate of change of everything (jobs, homes, relationships, etc), the effects it causes and what we as a species can do to…

White and Nerdy

Thanks to electra008I’ve just seen this — the new Weird Al video. If you’re one of the folks in the subcult portrayed (like I am) it’s hysterical — so many in-jokes… :-)

Anyway, enjoy! [youtube]

Battlestar Galactica

Somewhat late in catching the start of the new series (thanks


)but now up to speed…

I continue to be impressed with a lot of things about this show. The directions the writers have taken it is leagues…


10 reasons never to buy diamonds

Perceived Risk vs. Actual Risk — As I’ve been saying for ages, if we only taught people about risk and probability…

Gap Arguments and ID

The Danger of Ignorant Legislators

Upcoming American election: Video the Vote — American Blackout — Electorial Vote

Automated video news…

Death of a President

Just finished watching Death of a President. Really rather surprised at how good it was. Anyone who wants to see for themselves let me know and I’ll burn you a copy.

Worringly susceptible to spin

There is next-to-know chance of my ever voting Tory. I grew up in the 70s and 80s — the period of 3 million unemployed and “No such thing as society”. That said the spin coming out of the current party is desperately making it sound like a party of the Left — it’s all very…


Yet another government commissioned drug report is ignored. Makes you wonder why governments worldwide keep paying for these reports if they never intend to change the way they do things.

Scott Adams (of Dilbert fame) points out how morality changes over time when he states the obvious that by today’s standards…

Avenue Q

Went out tonight with corone, lareinemisere, vampadvocate, siroswold, weaselbitch to go and see Avenue Q. Really enjoyed it, highly recomended — very funny and insightful and I’d love to see it again at some point.

In other news LJ doesn’t want to do user links properly tonight (it’s insisting that each one…

Bits and pieces

Human rights concerns fail to staunch flow of UK arms — Not that it’s surprising but a number of us are off to see Mark Thomas, author of Underground Adventurers in the Arms and Torture Trade, shortly and I was wondering if he would bring the new report up.

Well, you thought the religous right had…

These were the top 20 stories published by Desiderium Sciendi in October of 2006. You can also dive into daily archives for October of 2006 by using the calendar at the top of this page.

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