Top Stories published by Desiderium Sciendi in November of 2006

From the “You couldn’t make this up” department

President Busy appoints Eric Keroack as head of the Office of Population Affairs at the Department of Health and Human Services. That job entails overseeing the entire family planning program, treatment of sexually transmitted diseases and birth…

Follow-ups and new stuff

The Democrats have hardly been in power five minutes in the US and they are trying to restore the legal system.

O.J. “fake” confession pulled from Fox after outcry (see comments on my previous post to read more on this). Book still coming out though I presume.

I’m sure Mark Thomas…


Okay — because the American election is coming up… Major Voting Problems in Ohio, Government Suddenly Concerned About Voting Machines but only when they have ties to Hugo Chavez.

Every time the Conservatives say something reasonable (such as more help for young people likely to end up in jail) they balance it with…


This story reminded me of the “Cool Hunters” in No Logo.

Current events

The government greatly ramps up the useage of compulsory parenting classes. A number of people in the article seem to think this is a bad idea but I can’t say I agree. They must have their reasons but to me it seems like a good thing.

Next on Tony’s list is to start talking up the replacement for…

Mass Lone Demonstrations

Since the passing of the Serious Organised Crime and Police Act 2005, which made it illegal to organise “mass” protests within 1 mile of Parliament Square, Mark Thomas has been organising “mass loan protests”. Annie and I are considering going along to the next one. Sign up is by…


To misquote a commentator on a Making Light post…

“Why is it that organised religion lags a generation of so behind the rest of us in terms of acceptable morality and yet constantly tries to make out it’s leading…?”

What was playing when you were born

This site tells you what was number 1 in the charts on any given date.

For example — New Seekers “I’d Like To Teach The World To Sing” was number 1 when I was born and The Pipes & Drums & Military Band of The Royal Scots Dragoon Guards “Amazing Grace” (good grief)…

Oh my god…

Birmingham’s Edwards Number 8 destroyed by fire

They say you can never go back and now I really can’t… I must have been there about 300–400 times in the last 15 years… I went there once or twice a week between 1990 and 1995… The one reason I might have had to go back to Birmingham (where I went to uni) has…

A Series of Unfortunate Events

A few days ago I finished reading The End, the last in A Series of Unfortunate Events

Unfortunately I have to say that I was very unimpressed. Although the writing was up to the usual standard and the idea of the people on the island was interesting…

These were the top 17 stories published by Desiderium Sciendi in November of 2006. You can also dive into daily archives for November of 2006 by using the calendar at the top of this page.

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