Top Stories published by Desiderium Sciendi in December of 2006


The dictionary defines mania as “an abnormal compulsion” such as Robert Shields who kept a virtual minute by minute diary of everything he did for 25 years (until he died from a heart attack). In it he recorded everything he and his wife did, everything he ate, the medical drugs he took, compulsive measurement of…

Top floor — Haberdashery and CERTAIN DOOM!

Went with


to see Flushed Away today. Couldn’t have been more different to Happy Feet. Never moralising or preaching, never simplistic and, bonus, actually funny! Worked excellently on not one, not…


Iraq Study Group Reaches Concensus — as the US starts it’s wind up to withdrawing from Iraq it needs to people to say it’s the best thing to do.

In a similar vein — Bush holds urgent meeting with Iraqi PM and White House on defensive as US media breaks taboo to declare conflict ‘civil war’.

Meanwhile in this…


Keith Olbermann totally nails Newt Gingrich.
After that some light comic relief: If sex required legal consent.

The future of books

Interesting site on books and the future of same. If, in the long long run, most books go online does that mean that most will become wikibooks? Probably not the case for most fiction (except to fix errors or to providen retcon) but for non-fiction? Possibly…

Random links

Rumsfeld: US failing in Iraq as if things couldn’t get worse for the American administration given the news of state of Iraq now it emerges via the NYT the Donald Rumsfeld was writing about the bad and worsening state of that country in writing to the White House just before he was sacked.


Usual linkage

Did you know that up until 1951 you could still be arrested and jailed in the UK for being a witch.

Why it’s hard to buy gifts for friends — basically if you think you know people really well you don’t put in as much effort when picking something for them.

Poly Toynbee hits it on the nail about…

Another thing in borders

While browsing in Borders today I saw the following books: The Book of General Ignorance by Stephen Fry (borders #1 best seller apparently), The End of the Question Mark and Why Don’t Penguin’s Feet Freeze?. This lead me to thinking — there has been a big thing made of books which…

Where’s my nuclear weapon!

My mass loan protest placard 
Originally uploaded by Dave Durant.

lareinemisere and I had a fun and meaningful time at the December Mass Loan Protest meeting in Parliament Square last night. This picture is my banner — a number of photos I took can be found in this Flickr stream

Worth a post of its own

Since there is some slim chance it might start a debate…

UK Home Secretary John Reid has urged a ban on artificial images of child abuse
, including cartoons.

Now, there are very much two points of view that can be expressed on this and I’m not sure which is stronger. On the one hand…

These were the top 20 stories published by Desiderium Sciendi in December of 2006. You can also dive into daily archives for December of 2006 by using the calendar at the top of this page.

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