Top Stories published by Desiderium Sciendi in 2008

The UK National Security Straegy

Things I have learnt from reading the UK’s new National Security Strategy.

  • The entire document has extremely strong rhetoric concerning multilateral investigation, planning and execution of plans on all matters effecting National Security…

Doctor Who Trailer Maker

Following on from


‘s post I thought I’d have a go myself. Nice toy they have there.

Two excellent websites

Firstly The British Library is currently hosting an exhibition called Taking Liberties which we intend to visit soon. I’ve recently discovered that they are also running this excellent interactive site. I encourage you to give it a go.

Also of interest at the moment is the very…

Organ donation — presumed consent

What do people think about this? I think it’s a good idea but other people are likely to be horrified..

Buffy review

Just finished The Long Way Home. Uniformly excellent throughout. Never knew how much I’d missed these characters till they were back. No-one can write dialogue or keep characterisation to form like Joss can. It leaves a few questions unanswered and kills off one of the characters I liked (but who stays dead in Buffy anyway) but overall I can’t wait for the next one.

Links (recession)

Well, there’s now jokes about the up-coming recession on The Now Show so it looks like when rather than if…

US mortgage giant needs $1bn
 — The US’s largest mortgage company (which was no-where a few years ago) is now going all but break the US economy just in time for a Democratic President…

These were the top 10 stories published by Desiderium Sciendi in 2008. You can also dive into monthly archives for 2008 by using the calendar at the top of this page.

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