Top Stories published by Desiderium Sciendi in 2009


Being as up to date as ever I only found out tonight that the pilot for Caprica has been out for over a month — even though the show isn’t due out till early next year.

It really irritates the crap out of me that the show is so good in terms of acting, design and everything else that…

Following on from the previous post

The Democrat candidate won after the official Republican candidate dropped out and endorsed them.

Difficulties in being a “free speech” beliver

One of my LJ friends serendipitously just wrote a post on something I’ve had tagged to mention for a while.

The BBFC has denied a certificate to a Japanese film that is so horrific they don’t believe that is should be seen by anyone. Now, while the…

Wireless electricity

Been watching the TED video of Witricity. Extremely impressive technology but I worry that it will never take off because, unless you can tune the coils, it not possible to stop people leaching off their neighbours power…

Taking the p*ss out of Nokia

Only funny ’cause it’s true :

We’ve got some way to go but our heart’s in the right place (it is supposed to be our left shoe, isn’t it…?) :-)


I know I’ve not posted links in here for ages (if people are interested they can subscribe to my Google Reader RSS stream) but there’s a bunch of stuff that’s come up recently that I’d like to share.

Dollhouse and sexual exploitation. Alas, I’m not the only person not finding Dollhouse terribly enthusing.

We Are…


At the Convention on Modern Liberty I went to a talk run by the folks at No2ID. This pressure group started off protesting about proposed ID cards but now spends more time discussing the “database state”.

One of the things I picked up was the No2ID pledge. 

This says:

Literary Bailout

ype your cut contents her
From Julian Gough

For Immediate Release:

Statement by Treasury Secretary Henry M. Paulson, Jr., following Congress’s passage of today’s rescue package:

“As we all know, lax writing practices earlier this decade led to irresponsible writing and irresponsible reading…

Interesting future of media article

A new article from Cory Doctorow. While the sections on newspapers, music and movies didn’t contain anything I didn’t already know the section on books has things neither Annie or I had previously thought about.

A “global ethic” vs nationalism

Whatever you might think about the unelected leadership of Gordon Brown his TED Q&A on “global citizenship” (his words) gives a really interesting insight into the way he thinks. I have the feeling that enough global leaders might feel this way that we might just stand a…

Teh interwebs

Yesterday was a very good day on the web. An excellent 365 Tomorrows story, a real laugh-out-loud cartoon from Wellington Grey and one of my now all time favourite XKCDs.

Website to allow public to see local criminals

Okay — I’ve got mixed feelings about this one.

One the one hand it (1) publicly marks petty criminals even more as outsiders — ‘them’ — making it even harder for them to try fit into normal society, (2) it potentially increases the notoriety of…

Young Rewired State

#youngrewiredstate Had a great weekend at Young Rewired State
A write-up here. 
A Flickr stream here. 
A twitterfall here.
Press Association copy here.
BBC article here.
Update on Yahoo Developer Network from Christian here. Including a cool (if rather small) picture of me.
Guardian article…

Other things I don’t understand

Starting with this : 1 in 3 teenage girls tell of sexual abuse by their boyfriends

I’ve commented on this kind of thing on LJ before. What makes it very hard for me to believe is that these numbers can be accurate (for a sensible definition of “abuse”) and it isn’t common…

Fertility Clinic Bows To Pressure, Nixes Eye and Hair-Color Screening


Interested in people’s opinion about this. Since they are selected the embryos in question rather than altering them it doesn’t get into the whole genetic engineering debate…

Political change in the new era

I was only watching Clay Shirky’s presentation about mass communications at TED@State yesterday and now in Iran we have exactly what he was talking about coming true.

I’m mesmerised by the twitter feed for #iranelection which is putting through at least 10 tweets a second…

Abandoned jail and probation computer project cost £155m


‘The chairman of the Commons public accounts committee, Edward Leigh, said the problems with the project, to ensure that the services could share information, were “in a class of…

Snap judgements

This article is very interesting — especially this picture:

Lecture bingo

I’m off to a lecture tonight on The World in 2050.

I’m going to have a go at listing what I would talk about and see how many of them come up…

  • “AI” still doesn’t work (but we’re getting closer via simulating large parts of the…

Signing the Pledge

I’ve signed the No2ID Pledge.

I’ve been vacillating about this for ages but it comes down to:

  1. This is going to be hugely expensive, won’t work from an IT perspective and certainly won’t fix any of the things the government says it will do…


We went out tonight to see Arcadia. Probably one of the top five plays I’ve ever seen with something that will appeal to fans of comedy, tragedy, literature, history and maths. Tom Stoppard is a genius.

However, be warned, it’s also very very sad. It’s over two hours since curtain down and I’m still upset.

Ethics — interesting stuff

I must finish reading Moral Minds at some point since it’s idea of “natural ethics” derived from out genes is fascinating (if hard to digest at first reading).

For example — why is it I have no problem with the idea of pigs being killed so I can eat them…

These were the top 61 stories published by Desiderium Sciendi in 2009. You can also dive into monthly archives for 2009 by using the calendar at the top of this page.

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