Top Stories published by Desiderium Sciendi in March of 2009


I know I’ve not posted links in here for ages (if people are interested they can subscribe to my Google Reader RSS stream) but there’s a bunch of stuff that’s come up recently that I’d like to share.

Dollhouse and sexual exploitation. Alas, I’m not the only person not finding Dollhouse terribly enthusing.

We Are…


At the Convention on Modern Liberty I went to a talk run by the folks at No2ID. This pressure group started off protesting about proposed ID cards but now spends more time discussing the “database state”.

One of the things I picked up was the No2ID pledge. 

This says:

Website to allow public to see local criminals

Okay — I’ve got mixed feelings about this one.

One the one hand it (1) publicly marks petty criminals even more as outsiders — ‘them’ — making it even harder for them to try fit into normal society, (2) it potentially increases the notoriety of…

Abandoned jail and probation computer project cost £155m


‘The chairman of the Commons public accounts committee, Edward Leigh, said the problems with the project, to ensure that the services could share information, were “in a class of…

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