Top Stories published by Desiderium Sciendi in July of 2011

Defending “Disgusted of Tunbridge Wells”

The other day I was compared, rather unfavourably, to Disgusted of Tunbridge Wells. Since then I’ve been thinking about this and decided that, actually, I’m going to take that as a compliment.

Yes, such people often try to make points that are, from our…

Twenty minutes into the future

Back at university I used to spend a lot of time in an RPG called Cyberpunk 2020. In this future set game the world (i.e. the USA where the game was set) is significantly different to the present day with widespread economic collapse (a-la Bruce Sterling’s Distraction)…

Starting to really like my MP

David Burrowes MP:

Even if he is a Tory.

“We can go back into history — indeed, all the way back to AD 43, when there was the first recorded mention of equality before the law, by…

Huff Post comes to the UK

This is excellent news — in the week that NotW goes under (yes, I know of the likely replacement) the Huffington Post opens a UK edition and they have very interesting ideas on the evolution of journalism.

Quote (my highlighting):

“We are arriving here in the midst of a rich and…

Desiderium Sciendi
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