Top Stories published by Desiderium Sciendi in June of 2015

After the Obergefell decision is the constitutional door open for Polyamory?

With the great news of the successful outcome of Obergefell v. Hodges paving the way for gay marriage across the entire USA some folks have already been begun to discuss how the outcome will build on…

Pride (of various kinds)

The Pride in London Parade is taking place this coming Saturday to culminate Pride Week. A couple of years ago I enjoyed taking part in the Pride Parade as part of a group of poly folks from an internet group I’m part of.

I want to live long enough to…

Picking up from Emma’s blog post on the same topic. I felt that it easily deserved to be turned into a meme so here’s my 3.

I want to live long enough to:

  • Help build communities of people delivering public services at many…

Desiderium Sciendi
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