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Cyberpunk 2020

Desiderium Sciendi
Desiderium Sciendi
David Durant’s personal blog
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Cyberpunk 2020 update

This is the latest in a very sporadic set of posts I’ve done comparing the world of today to that of the role-playing book Cyberpunk 2020.

This time around good news comes from a new exoskeleton that allows paraplegics to walk again, while in the other direction…

The world of Cyberpunk 2020 — update

Back in June was the last time I posted an update on a running theme of mine that the world is running to catch up in time to be ready to become the universe of the roleplaying game Cyberpunk 2020.

Twenty minutes into the future

Back at university I used to spend a lot of time in an RPG called Cyberpunk 2020. In this future set game the world (i.e. the USA where the game was set) is significantly different to the present day with widespread economic collapse (a-la Bruce Sterling’s Distraction)…