Midnight never used to be this late

One of the best articles I have ever read on politicians and money.

This image just hurts your eyes. You were warned. (Worksafe)

For the literary, historical or macabre amongst us an article on books bound in human…

Stuff and bother

For the record I’m sorry I seem to have upset thessalian (again) — people who know me will no that wasn’t my intention.

Moving on…

Up to 20% of the human genome (that’s you and me folks) is now patented in the USA.

Some days

There are things to actually post about. I mean I wouldn’t have bothered to post this estimation quiz after I got such a poltry 37% right if if hadn’t been for nadriel posting an interesting one in his (except sans the URL)…

Huff Post comes to the UK

This is excellent news — in the week that NotW goes under (yes, I know of the likely replacement) the Huffington Post opens a UK edition and they have very interesting ideas on the evolution of journalism.

Quote (my highlighting):

“We are arriving here in the midst of a rich and…

The world of Cyberpunk 2020 — update

Back in June was the last time I posted an update on a running theme of mine that the world is running to catch up in time to be ready to become the universe of the roleplaying game Cyberpunk 2020.

Visualising Live Journal

Since corone said he was unable to download and use the LJ visualisation program I mentioned last night I’ve taken some snapshots I’ll put up here.

Okay! Some people have a fairly limited number of LJ friends. For example myself:

Desiderium Sciendi
Desiderium Sciendi
David Durant’s personal blog
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