Here are the Latest TikTok Stats

An Overview by Lynn Aiko

Mikhail Alfon
Design and Tech.Co
3 min readApr 7, 2020


Before we get started, I gotta give daps where daps are due. This overview was provided by Lynn Aiko as an internal message to our team as we start to develop strategies for our partners on the platform.

Lynn is the Production Manager and Lead Stylist at Blue Light Media. Also who I go to for the latest trends in pop culture on a regular basis.

Here are the latest TikTok Stats

• TikTok has 800 million active users worldwide

  • In less than 18 months, the number of US adult TikTok users grew 5.5 times.

At the start of the fourth quarter of 2017, there were 2.6 million US adult TikTok users. Just 12 months later, that increased nearly three-fold to 7.2 million. Since September 2018, TikTok usage among US adults has increased exponentially — doubling and reaching 14.3 million in just six months

• TikTok has been downloaded 467 million times in India, with China following close behind, and the U.S. coming in third at 45.5 million downloads. The app is also available in 155 countries and 39 different languages. C’MON WORLDWIDE!

• 41% of TikTok users are between the ages of 16 and 24

• TikTok is used by 2 million more women than men in the U.S.

TikTok is used by 2 million more women (8.2 million) than men (6.1 million) in the U.S. — Its reach is highest among females aged 18–24 (14.9% adoption)

  • TikTok users are aging with the app

“There is no doubt that TikTok is extremely popular with teenagers across the world. However, there is now some evidence that its user base is aging. People aren’t just giving up on TikTok because they believe they have outgrown it. This is particularly evident in some regions. In countries such as China, Indonesia, Malaysia, Saudi Arabia, and the UAE, membership among 25–34 year-olds is higher than among 16–24s.” — will the US follow this trend as well? hmmm…

  • Average time spent on Tik Tok 52 minutes per day
  • Instagram is 53 minutes
  • Snapchat is 49.5 minutes
  • Facebook takes the lead with 58.5 minutes

• 9/10 Tik Tok users use the app multiple times daily

• More than 1 billion TikTok videos viewed every day in the last year

  • Highest social media engagements per post

These are just a few of the points I wanted to highlight, but I hope these stats get everyone excited!

And for anyone wondering, here are her favorite cat videos from TikTok.

Wondering how you can work with Lynn and Blue Light Media? Drop me an email at

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Mikhail Alfon
Design and Tech.Co

CoFounder/CEO of Blue Light Media an agency that's everything you need for social media | Oversharing Podcast | Let's chat @miqk on everything