How Architects Might Find Ways to Work Better

Michael Lewarne
Design and Tech.Co
Published in
2 min readOct 29, 2019
“Creative thinking inspires ideas. Ideas inspire change.” — Barbara Januszkiewicz

Here’s a little exercise to get you moving when something is not working in your architectural practice or when you’re stuck. It’s also a useful exercise to start to think about making work better.

You can do this alone or with others.

Step One:
Get out some paper and a pen. You could also do this on a white board, stick it up on Post-it notes, or whatever physical writing process works for you. Digital options are OK, but trust me, handwritten is better.

Step Two:
Answer all of the following questions as thoroughly and extensively as possible. List as many answers as possible. Think of it as a design exercise. Be honest.

Step Three:
Go answer…

  • What is not working?
  • What have you considered trying?
  • What have you actually tried? (honestly)
  • How many more ideas can you come up with? (remember you’re writing these down)
  • Now write down five more, ten if you have it in you.
  • What did you edit from your considerations? Why can’t that work? Write it down anyway.
  • What if you were to think much bigger and 10x any ideas? Go mad, crazy, think big. What if money, time, staffing, perception, etc were not a consideration? What might be possible then?
  • What can you now see? Does anything seem possible and worthwhile trying?
  • What will you now commit to trying? Keep in mind, you must start. Set some deadlines. Write them down.
  • How will you ensure you stick to your commitments?

Step Four:
Did you answer all the questions? If not, go back and finish answering them properly.

Step Five:
You have to Start.

  • What action can you take today?
  • What action can you take by the end of the week?

Go go go!

Are you moving again?

Michael is the founder of unmeasured, supporting architects in their practice through coaching, workshops and community.

Helping architects find their desire lines in practice.

Photo by Pixabay on Pexels

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