Sharing To Make Architecture Better

Michael Lewarne
Design and Tech.Co
Published in
2 min readFeb 4, 2020
Photo by Olenka Sergienko on Pexels (cropped)

There’s value in sharing. That’s why there’s a sharing economy. It’s acknowledged less but there’s value in sharing ideas, experience and knowledge.

The software industry in the USA alone is worth over $1 Trillion and employs more than 10 million people. It shares much of its work as open source, which the industry pioneered. Why? Because it makes software cheaper. It allows programmers to improve on the work of others and make it available to everyone. It reduces the need to duplicate work, allowing programmers to focus on the work that matters.

Architects are good at sharing their architectural projects. Showing sketches, work in-progress, showing off finished projects.

What might it look like if they were to share more about their business? Sharing the work required in order to do the work that matters to them, architectural projects. There is some sharing in this vein too, but I’d like to encourage greater sharing.

The opposite, to hide the work from others, has its disadvantages.

By more generously sharing, you may be shown where there’s a simple error that may be costing you. Shown how to make it better. Assisted in identifying blindspots, deficient knowledge, or ability.

Sharing helps to improves the work that is already being done. Shining light on work that is yet to be fully formed, encouraging and assisting it to develop and grow.

Sharing gives the work the opportunity to be made better through the input of others.

Sharing spreads ideas. Ideas are more powerful when they spread. They grow, gain weight, gain followers, they’re improved. They might become the accepted wisdom.

Sharing is a generous act that can build the culture.

Architects might be more generous.

Michael is the founder of unmeasured, supporting architects in their practice through coaching, workshops and community.

Helping architects find their desire lines in practice.

