The Real Zuckerberg Challenge Is One He Refuses to Take on

Design and Tech.Co
Published in
4 min readFeb 25, 2019

Last Wednesday, Facebook founder and CEO Mark Zuckerberg sat down with Harvard’s Jonathan Zittrain as part of his 2019 “challenge” to have more public conversations about the ways the company could better serve the public.

The two discuss a range of things including information fiduciaries, encryption, decentralized services, governance, fighting misinformation, and protecting privacy among other topics.

If you’re thinking that’s a deep list, you’ll be disappointed by Zuckerberg’s comments which steer clear of specifics and toward platitudes. He often answers a question with a question, an evasive tactic he’s perfected following a year of having to explain company mishaps and scandals.

Here’s a taste from his explanation of what Facebook decides to prioritize in individual news feeds:

“If you’re talking about what people want to want versus what they want, often people’s revealed preferences or what they actually do shows a deeper sense of what they want than what they think they want to want. There’s a question between when something is exploitative versus when something is real but isn’t what you would say that you want. And that’s a really hard thing to get at.”

Try unspooling that.

Fiduciary Sausage Making

The discussion of information fiduciaries is particularly troubling. The basic idea is to legally obligate companies like Facebook to be trustworthy stewards of our information. Zittrain, who along with Yale Law School Professor Jack Balkin first championed this concept, writes that making Facebook an information fiduciary requires “a new kind of law — one that clearly states the kinds of duties that online firms owe their end users and customers.”

Congress has yet to seize upon this concept and probably for good reason. One can only imagine what that loopholed law would look like at the butt end of the sausage maker.

In reality, Facebook’s only fiduciary responsibility is to its shareholders; best not kid ourselves otherwise. And for Facebook shareholders the news has been good: Facebook rode a year of nonstop scandals to record profits, reporting a net 2018 fourth-quarter income of nearly $6.9 billion, up 61 percent from the same period in 2017.

After every scandal Facebook promises to fix the problem, whether it be hiring more fact-checkers or purging bad actors from its network. But if we’ve learned anything over the last year it’s that Silicon Valley in general, and Facebook in particular, have proven incapable of fixing their problems.

Online platforms are too deeply vested in data collection and targeted advertising to address the multiple harms their economic model presents. It will require public pressure and government action to hold these companies accountable. And that’s a process that’s just beginning.

While Silicon Valley execs like Zuckerberg like to tout their cleanup efforts, they’ve been grossly ineffective in filtering the tidal wave of content from literally billions of active users.

One of the fact-checkers that Facebook hired to tackle the deluge of misinformation on its platform later gave up in frustration (along with other fact-checkers working on the project from Associated Press and Snopes). She reported that the task of truth-testing false Facebook posts was “like battling the Hydra of Greek myth. Every time we cut off a virtual head, two more would grow in its place.”

The Tiger’s Stripes

Throughout Zuckerberg’s 2018 apology tour he studiously avoided addressing the deeper problem behind the attention economy: Targeted advertising generates hundreds of billions of dollars for online platforms. But such targeted advertising relies on data-harvesting regimes that individuals, groups and government actors have misused in many ways.

Superficial fixes to Facebook systems and standards are destined to fail. That’s because they ignore one fundamental truth: The creators of the world’s most coercive social network designed their platforms to work this way.

In other words, Facebook functions by gathering people into like-minded groups and promoting to them the content that creates the strongest reaction. The platform then generates revenue by targeting ads that appeal to these finely targeted communities. Combine these two elements and you’ve created a billion-dollar formula for manipulation. A formula that Facebook has perfected.

Google has perfected it too, but in a slightly different way. It matches online ads with demographic data it gleans from users’ search histories and Android mobile-phone activities among other things.

Their immense success is largely due to Facebook and Google’s ability to offer up the Holy Grail of advertising: low-cost delivery of ads to very precisely-targeted audiences. This ability has revolutionized the advertising industry while concentrating the winnings among the handful of companies capable of such micro-targeting. Google and Facebook control nearly 70 percent of digital ad revenues in the United States, according to eMarketer.

Facebook algorithms serve the advertising model. Zuckerberg wouldn’t have it any other way. He’s willing to fix certain aspects of his online creation — but not the targeted advertising and related algorithms that drive the entire business.

Asking Facebook to fundamentally alter its advertising algorithms is like asking a tiger to lose its stripes. While it’s good for Zuckerberg to have conversations about better serving the public interest, he doesn’t seem serious about fixing the problem at the heart of the enterprise.

(Photo: Timothy Karr)

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Design and Tech.Co

All things media, online & off, but mostly on. Timothy Karr advocates for universal access to open networks at Free Press and Free Press Action Fund.