Designs around us — I

Gagan Gupta
Designs around us
Published in
1 min readNov 16, 2015

What is design?

Don’t know. I think its about making people comfortable by solving issues, however small or big it is.

This is first of the upcoming posts, in which I shall be discussing some designs around us and how does it make our lives easier or irritates us.

So, I will start with a positive example from Indian trains. Yes I know its a bit of a shocker.

The taps in coaches and platforms. Why is it a good design?

Imagine a railway journey without water (I am sorry if you have to experience it), we have to use scarce drinkable (bottled) water to wash and face awkward situations if one has to go to bathroom. Plus the bathroom becomes more unusable with every passenger using it.

What if a child leaves the tap opened?

Notice how the different design of tap makes it very difficult to waste water. Only when you push up, water flows. There is very less chance of someone leaving tap open and letting water waste.

As always, there are two sides of a coin: Do let me know whatever I missed or wronged.

