Read this before you design for Gen-Z in India

Gouranshi Choudhary
Flipkart Design
Published in
4 min readMay 10, 2024

Gone are the days of broad generational stereotypes. Desi Gen Z is a complex and nuanced group, deeply connected to their Indian heritage yet actively shaping a globalised future. They are the first generation to truly grow up with the internet, and their comfort with technology is unparalleled. However, this doesn’t equate to a preference for generic interfaces. Gen Z craves authenticity and seeks experiences that reflect their diverse backgrounds and interests.

So, buckle up, because we’re about to decode the desi Gen Z and design experiences that’ll have them saying “lit!”

Imagine a generation that juggles social causes with slaying the latest meme, all while rocking their individuality. They’re tech wizards who can navigate apps like nobody’s business, and crave realness over anything manufactured 💅🏽

Branding with Soul: Vibrant, quirk and inclusive

Gone are the days of muted palettes. When designing for Gen Z in India, embrace the vibrant chaos of a bustling Indian bazaar. Think colourful tones that evoke the richness of Indian textiles, neon accents that add youthful energy, and colour combinations that celebrate the vibrancy. Ditch the stock photos and instead, showcase real, relatable and inclusive representation. Street art that reflects local communities, quirky illustrations that capture humour, and user-generated content that celebrates the diversity of the user base are all powerful tools to create a brand identity that resonates.

NORBLACK NORWHITE is exploring colour & stories of Indian elements in Gen Z fashion.

Keeping Up with the Desi Hustle: App Design that’s Frictionless and Fun

Gen Z in India is a busy bunch. They juggle studies, social lives, and side hustles, all while demanding instant gratification. When it comes to app design, prioritising a clean, uncluttered interface that is easy to navigate is essential. Aim for clear calls to action, intuitive user flows, and a focus on speed. Frictionless payments, one-click purchases, and voice and image search functionalities are all essential elements to cater to their fast-paced lives.

But functionality shouldn’t come at the expense of fun. Gen Z craves engaging experiences. Integrate features like gamified shopping experiences that reward users for exploring the app, AR features that allow them to virtually try on clothes and makeup or see furniture in their homes, and social media integration that lets them share their finds with friends. Think beyond the traditional shopping cart and create an app that feels like a playground, not a chore.

AR try on by Lenskart with a touch of fun marketing.

Communication that Speaks Their Lingo: Hinglish, Emojis, and Everything in Between

Communication is a two-way street, and when designing for Gen Z in India, it’s crucial to speak their language. Hinglish, the playful blend of Hindi and English, is a powerful tool to connect with them on a deeper level. Don’t be afraid to integrate local slang and colloquialisms into your app’s messaging to show you understand their world.

Emojis are another universal language for Gen Z. A strategically placed emoji can add personality, humour, and emotional cues to your communication. Use them to highlight important information, add a touch of lightheartedness, just make sure you’re updated about which emojis Gen-Z use, iykyk.

If you think the left one, Read This!

The Power of Personalisation: Catering to the “Me” Generation

Gen Z values individuality and self-expression. One-size-fits-all design approaches are a thing of the past. Embrace personalization features that allow users to customize their app experience. This could include curated product recommendations based on past purchases and browsing behaviour, personalised content feeds showcasing trends relevant to their interests, or even the ability to customise the app’s interface with different themes and colour schemes.

Building a Community: The Power of Social Connection

Social media is more than just a platform for Gen Z; it’s a way of life. Integrate social features into your app that allow users to connect with friends, share their finds, and even co-create content. Think user-generated content challenges, gamified experiences with social leaderboards, or even live chat functionalities that foster a sense of community within the app.

Nike Run Club has workout personalisation and has built a run community.

Designing for Gen Z in India is about creating experiences that are as dynamic and vibrant as they are. By embracing bold visuals, intuitive and inclusive design, playful communication, and a touch of local flavour, we can craft apps that not only resonate with them but also celebrate the unique spirit of young India. So, let’s get designing!

Are you also designing for the Gen Z? Share your thoughts below.



Gouranshi Choudhary
Flipkart Design

Product Designer | Building Spoyl and Lifestyle @Flipkart