Department Function

Jiri Mocicka
Published in
6 min readApr 22, 2024


Design at Scale™ — ACD Series 100 Department Function

Welcome back to our Design at Scale™ — Academy series, focusing on design practice in a team of one hundred. This article explores a department function often unnoticed by new design team members. This lack of awareness can create misunderstandings and tension between the department and the latest designers. By shedding light on this crucial function, we aim to foster smoother collaboration and a more positive onboarding experience.

Design at Scale™ — ACD Series 100 Definition

Function definition

A business function refers to the essential activities performed by a team or teams with a specific expertise. In your case, the design function encompasses all design-related activities that contribute to the organisation’s overall vision and generate revenue. This may involve the creation of final goods, services, or experiences intended for the market or external clients.

Standard operating procedures (SOPs) govern the organisation’s activities. SOPs ensure consistency, efficiency, and quality in the delivery of these functions. Core business functions are the primary activities that define an organisation’s purpose and generate its revenue stream. These activities directly produce final goods or services offered to the market…

