Figma’s Space Structure.
Welcome to the Figma series brought to you by Design at Scale™ — Academy(↘︎Link). After five articles and almost 100+ messages, “How do you …” here are two articles that will bring you closer to practice. I personally try to avoid these types of “five best things for designers” as I find out that most of the time, they only apply to very small groups and actually have very little effect on integrating scalable design functions.
Today’s article is more of an opinion piece than a refresher. In the past, I wrote a few articles reflecting the naming convention(↘︎Link) and organisation of files(↘︎Link). Check them out, if you will.
Let me start by phrasing some of my colleagues’ designers who have taken the liberty to share their structures and opinions about Figma structure. You can find the list at the end of References. The only thing that I want to highlight here is the minor adjustments that we designers often miss when describing these structures. We often think that design is the only discipline that needs to be considered in Figma space where, where in fact, we are actually inviting other disciplines to watch the movie.