The ambition behind the DaS™

Jiri Mocicka
Published in
2 min readApr 1, 2022


Figure01: DaS™ The ripple effect
Figure01: The ripple effect

We are starting with a clean sheet of paper and pencil.
That’s where all designers begin.

For centuries creatives and many different disciplines, it has always been a piece of paper pencil that visualised the idea — a good enough state that can represent an ambition.

From ambition, we move to process, tools, time and resources, and that’s where it gets a little complicated. Design (or any creative venture) was always under the demand of a budget, time, or immediate need to solve a specific problem. That is why the design was always under someone else direction.

Business creates the plan, road map, delivery schedule and so on — design does not unless the proposition is complex enough to track all of these things together under one roof. Even then, the design was not the one that decided under which condition these specifics would be actioned and delivered.

There is so much ambiguity, significant (static) pine charts, slides and graphs explaining the process (copied from early 20th-century manufacturing lines), workflows or delivery methods that surpassed its creators.

But when it comes to practical execution in a specific environment, one method does not allow integration of the other. Not even mention that mental models of the majority of our processes are categorically different and look at the problem from entirely different perspectives. This creates…

