Nature VS Nurture Born Killers

Intellectual Gypsy
Design Behavior Change
3 min readJan 21, 2015


Why do people commit senseless acts of violence? Years ago violent video games, movies and rock n roll were blamed. I don’t buy it. Certain people may possess more evil than the rest of us. They were born that way. Violent entertainment could encourage and feed that evil, however entertainment is not the cause of evil. Horrific personal experiences can also trigger evil. But they again are not the sole cause and certainly not a justification. So what causes people to create terror?

Some might say it’s a lack of consequences and lack of morality. Our legal system too loose. Our religions too deceptive. Too many of our morals are learned watching prime time television. Our parents are too busy creating a life that includes smart phones, Ipads and laptops that no one makes dinner anymore. Our youth lack guidance, yet we wonder why so many are lost.

I believe in finding one’s own way. Making a path through the bullshit of it all. Having evil tendencies does not predicate you will commit acts of terror. And no one past trauma creates a person who is capable of evil. In fact I believe that even if you were born with a little evil and were exposed to everything I mentioned, your life can turn out normal. You might have a couple of dark tendencies, but nothing that will lead you to an iron cell. Maybe it’s not about what pushes us toward darkness. Evil is part of our nature. But what catches us before we come out on the other side of mohumanity? What guides us toward the light? Is it our values?

Ideologies can also lead to evil. Violence is often created in the name of good. Be it religion or patriotism. I will never understand how a belief in one right existence justifies murder. Vengeance, revenge; these things I get. Suicide bombers, seriously what great deed have they accomplished? When did we simply stop valuing life? Are we so wrapped up in the next moment that we forget this moment right now is life? Reminds me of a line in the movie Natural Born Killers where Malory says to the guy she just killed “that’s the worse fucking head I ever had, next time don’t be so fucking eager”. Since he’s dead I’m pretty sure there won’t be a next time.

Do people who cause these horrors really know what we are doing? Do they understand the big picture of their actions? How can the act of shooting random people seem like a good idea? I just don’t see the upside. The only common denominator I can see in all of this violence is narrow-minded stupidity. Maybe that why more terror seems to occur every year, there are more narrow-minded stupid people being created by our society. Let’s teach our children to see the world holistically and avoid raising mind numb Lucifers. Now there’s a solid reason to get art and music back into our schools.

