12 mistakes junior designers need to avoid for a better career in UX

or 12 things junior designers need to focus on for career growth

Kriss Patel


Photo by Austin Distel on Unsplash

In my 4+ years in the design field, I have interviewed, hired, and worked with a good number of designers. I also started as a junior, and while people who were working with me are still in intermediate positions, I was able to hack through my career and am currently a lead UX designer. A good number of times, I have joined a company and gotten a lead position over people who were working at the same company before me.

So, what did I do correctly? which my other colleagues seem to trail. I have put together a list of things which, when looking back at, I seem to outperform other junior designers, which helped me with my career. I have divided the list into 2 categories. 1. Self-improvement and 2. Job search tricks.


1. Exercise UX skills regularly

I know this sounds like a very generic tip, but trust me, it helps the most. You cannot master any skill without practice. You must have heard this from a lot of people and ignored it, but it makes a difference in the long term. Also, I am not telling you to practice all the skills in UX and keep getting better at it; rather, I am suggesting the…



Kriss Patel

Just trying to be ordinary in this extra ordinary world.