3 Keys To Great Case Study Storytelling

Alexander Lucas
Published in
3 min readJan 8, 2023


Let’s be honest, we don’t actually know what it means when someone says to “tell a story” in your case study.

Photo by Neel on Unsplash

Once upon a time, where was a recent bootcamp grad putting together a portfolio so he could get a job and stop eating dollar store ramen.

The magic mentors told him “tell a story” in your case study — “this is an important skill to help you stand out”.

“But what does this actually mean?” he wondered.

He searched the interwebs far and wide, only to be left with vague advice like “explain the background, process and lessons”.

He looked at other case studies but failed to see how they told a story? Did he not know what a story was?

He began to doubt himself and his abilities to figure it out.

Until one day! He found the answer and decided to right about it in hopes that it will save all new UX grads the headache of having the figure it out themselves.

Make it emotional. This translates into talking about where you failed, how you felt during the challenges and inspire you reader by what you did and how you felt when you came up with a solution.

It can be hard to talk about your failures when it comes to presenting something that you want to help you get a job. But it’s…



Alexander Lucas

Part time web designer, daytime property manager. Passionate about art, simple living, minimalism and small living.