5 Documentaries About Inclusion on Netflix

Must-watch stories about representation and inclusion

Trina Moore Pervall
3 min readFeb 4, 2022


Photo of Netflix splash screen on a TV in a living room with a person’s feet up on an ottoman.
Photo by Mollie Sivaram on Unsplash

I have always been fascinated with the human experience. It’s one of the reasons why I love to travel. It’s also why my bookshelf is filled with non-fiction and my Netflix history is mostly documentaries.

Documentaries provide an opportunity to explore other cultures; gain new perspectives; learn varied ways that people experience love, happiness, fear and sadness; and see how people overcome adversity. I welcome opportunities to temporarily step out of my microcosm and broaden my sense of human interconnectedness. Feel free to imagine me with a flower in my hair while singing, “What the World Needs Now is Love.”

The following 5 social and cultural documentaries…

  • share stories of people often overlooked
  • shine a light on the impacts of exclusion
  • show how people are trying to influence change


1h 40m | Watch Disclosure on Netflix

Documentary: Disclosure poster

Trans creatives share their perspectives about trans inclusive filmmaking and Hollywood’s depiction of transgender people. The documentary examines the impact that Hollywood’s under- and misrepresentation has had on the transgender community & American culture.

Crip Camp: A Disability Revolution

1h 42m | Watch Crip Camp on Netflix

Documentary: Crip Camp: A Disability Revolution poster

A group of teens with disabilities attend a summer camp where they finally feel a sense of belonging, built a lifelong bond, later joined the disability rights movement, and influenced the signing of the Americans with Disabilities Act.

They Gotta Have Us

3 episodes | Watch They Gotta Have Us on Netflix

Documentary: They Gotta Have Us poster

Entertainers recollect the history of inequality for Black actors and filmmakers in Hollywood. They discuss pivotal films from the 1930s to the present, highlight pressures of being ‘the-first’, and discuss many hurdles on the path to equity, diversity & inclusion.


1h 38m | Watch Found on Netflix

Documentary: Found poster

Three adopted teenage girls embark on a journey to China together in search of answers about their lost history. The film puts human faces on China’s one-child policy, explores their feelings of rejection, and challenges the traditional narrative that girls in China are simply unwanted.

This Changes Everything

1h 35m | Watch This Changes Everything on Netflix

Documentary: This Changes Everything poster

Actresses spotlight examples of gender discrimination in the entertainment industry and how women in Hollywood are pushing for more representation in front of & behind the camera.

Final Thoughts

Learning about the lives of people who are different from me is always so eye-opening. And, I truly believe that learning about diverse lived experiences has made me more compassionate in my work as a UX designer.

I hope you enjoy these films and I’d love to know about any films that have raised your cultural awareness.

Thank you

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Trina Moore Pervall

UX Researcher & Designer advocating for social equity in technology through inclusive design. For more: uxforthewin.com/links