5 Tips to make your form Impressive and Professional.

Muzammal Ahmed
Published in
3 min readJun 28, 2023

Are your forms driving users away instead of capturing their attention? Unlock the potential of your web applications by optimizing the user interface of your forms. In this article, we unveil five invaluable tips for crafting intuitive and captivating form UI.

Divide Long Forms into Steps

Long forms with numerous fields can be overwhelming and tedious for users to fill out. They may lose interest or get bored, leading to incomplete form submissions. To address this issue, a solution is to divide the form into 3 to 5 steps. This approach makes the form more visually appealing, and user-friendly, and enhances user engagement by presenting smaller, manageable sections to fill out.

Make the Primary Button Prominent

The prominence of the primary button is crucial to ensure users can easily complete form submissions. It helps avoid confusion and errors. Increase the primary button’s size, contrast, and visual style. Consider reducing the cancel button’s prominence, using clear labeling, and implementing a confirmation prompt if necessary.

Clearly Indicate Button Actions

It’s a common mistake in forms that the primary button says “Go”. But the developer doesn’t mention where to Go and makes confusion for the user. To increase user comfort you should clearly indicate what action is performed by the button. But be careful don’t write long text on buttons, especially on buttons in button Groups.


When designing forms, it is common to use placeholders like “Type your Name”, “Type your Email”, “Type your phone Number” or whatever. But it’s against UI because User has to read the whole phrase to know what to write. You can simply make it more easier and comfortable for the user by just changing the placeholder to what should be written in the input. For instance, for the Email field, you can simply write “example@gmail.com”.


It is a common problem for designers, which should we use placeholder + Label, placeholder only, Label Only. All have disadvantages.

Placeholder + Label: When we use Placeholder and Label it becomes cognitive. It wastes the time of the user because the user has to read the same thing twice.

Placeholder Only: The user has to remember what has been written in the input and if he forgets he needs to clear the input to see what should be written in the input.

Label Only: The forms take more space and it can become a problem for mobile users.

The solution is to implement a floating label technique. This approach ensures a seamless transition from a placeholder to a visible label when the user interacts with the input field.

Conclusion: Implementing effective form UI design can greatly enhance user experience and increase form completion rates. By following the five tips outlined in this article, you can create user-friendly forms that simplify the user journey and drive better engagement.



Muzammal Ahmed

I'm experienced and passionate full-stack web developer. Expertise in HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and Django. Creates professional, fast and dynamic websites.