8 Best websites to help you practice UX

Saikrishna vanneldas
Published in
4 min readFeb 14, 2022

Done reading about UX? Let’s start doing it.

unsplash.com/ Alvaro Reyes

Being a designer means a livelong process of self-development, broadening your mind and discovering new facets of your vocation to create.

Nowadays, it’s an amazing time to be a designer. We learn from our peers, from our mentors, and from all the resources available to us today. That’s why you will never be short of excellent resources on the web to learn and Practise from.

Below, you can find a gathering of some of the best websites to practice UX

1. uxtools.co

  • Practice with real-world exercises.
  • Train yourself in crucial skills and tools.
  • Take away portfolio-worthy deliverables.
  • Useful for beginners and experts alike.
list of challenges in uxtools.co

2. Sharpen.design

Sharpen generates open-ended project prompts that reinforce critical problem solving, curiosity, and creativity across 21 different categories and 2 unique generators.

challenges in sharpen.design

3. Fakeclients.com

What is FakeClients?

FakeClients is a website to help you practice logo design, UX, web design, graphic design and illustration. Press ‘start’ and a random design brief will be generated so you can practice your design skills and fill your portfolio, working for fake businesses.

screenshot from fakeclients.com

4. Goodbrief.io

Randomly generate smart design briefs to practice your design skills, get content for your portfolio and gain experience working off a real design brief.

Detailed description for best practices

5. uxchallenge.co

Level Up Your Design Skills. Practice solving problems with UX design challenges. Expand your portfolio with case studies companies want to see.

various challenges

6. sketchingforux.com

  • UX Sketching Challenge (daily) — it will take 5–10 minutes / day
  • Build your own UX-related visual library! this site will send you objects or concepts related to UX each day for 100 days, your task is to create a sketch for them. (This is an optional part of the newsletter — you can choose to only receive the UX Knowledge Piece Sketches)
  • The topics include UX design, UI design, service design, sketching & visual thinking, cognitive psychology, behavioral economics, product development and basically anything that might be useful for designers working on digital products or services.

7. Productdesigninterview.com

Practice Product Design Skills and Prepare For Your Next UI/UX/product design interviews


8. 100Daysofproductdesign

100 days of product design. I’ve collected the fundamentals of product design into this 100-day challenge. If you’re up to it, start now!

100 days of product design

Here are a few more sites:



Thanks for Reading ☺️

PS. I’d love to see any other missed websites for UX best practices, feel free to leave them here

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Published in Bootcamp

From idea to product, one lesson at a time. Bootcamp is a collection of resources and opinion pieces about UX, UI, and Product. To submit your story: https://tinyurl.com/bootspub1

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