A Storyteller’s Guide To Product Photography With Midjourney

Images don’t sell, stories do.

Tristan Wolff


Images by the author and Midjourney

Recently, I left my cinematic prompt home turf to explore Midjourney-powered product/advertising photography. It’s no secret that good-looking images alone are not enough to sell a product. You need to tell its story.

A story with just a single image. Quite a challenge, so I went with it. Here’s my process.

From USP To Story in 3 Steps

Step 1: Understanding the Product’s Unique Selling Point (USP)

When you write a story, you know you’re not going to reach everyone with it. Some people won’t care because it’s just not their thing. And that’s fine.

But in order to reach at least some people, we have to put our story in a context that allows them to figure:

“Wait a second! This could be my thing!”

This is where genre comes into play. When we propose a story, we use genre to underpin the expectations of a particular target audience. To invite people in with the promise: “this is the type of thing that usually resonates with you!”

To do this, we need to know the genre conventions and build our story with them…

