Accessible UX with a Smile: A Playful Guide to Designing for Everyone

Rishav Raj Sinha
Published in
5 min readSep 18, 2023

Hey there, Design Enthusiasts!! So, you’ve mastered the art of UI/UX design, and you think your designs are the bee’s knees? That’s fantastic! But have you ever considered whether your designs are accessible to everyone, including your grandma who still uses a flip phone and your nephew who thinks “clicking” is so last year? Well, hang onto your mouse (or trackpad), because we’re about to dive into the whimsical world of accessibility in UI/UX design.

1. The ABCs of Accessibility: A for Alt Text

Our journey begins with ‘Alt text.’ No, it’s not some trendy hashtag from your instagram, maaite. Alt text is the secret message you give to images, enabling screen readers to easily decode the mystery behind the pictures. It’s like having a storyteller for your website’s visual story. Without it, your english audience is left watching an Anime without subtitles. Let’s ensure they never lose their way; adorn your images with alt text!

Anime characters a girl and a boy in shock and shouting Naniii

2. The Significance of Color Contrast in Style and Beyond

Picture your website as a canvas for creativity, with color contrast being the artist’s palette. Just as a fashion enthusiast wouldn’t pair clashing colors on the runway, maintaining a delicate color contrast on your website is crucial. When your text and background colors clash, it’s easy to sending your audience mixed signals (like your ex). In the realm of web accessibility, the trend we’re after is clarity and inclusivity, not frustration and confusion.

3. Keyboard Warriors, Unite!

Consider the fact that some users rely solely on a keyboard to navigate your website, much like skilled navigators in the digital realm. Your goal is to ensure that their experience is seamless and efficient, rather than leaving them feeling like they’re attempting to perform a magic trick with a banana. It’s essential to guarantee that all interactive elements on your site can be effortlessly accessed and utilized through keyboard commands. A simple ‘click, click, hooray!’ should encapsulate the joy of a smooth, keyboard-friendly user experience.

4. Video Captions: Not Just for Comedy Shows

Let’s talk video content. You know what’s funnier than your favorite stand-up comedian? Misheard video dialogues. But that’s not funny for everyone. So, add captions. You’ll not only make your content accessible to the hearing-impaired but also avoid accidental comedy gold.

5. Testing, Testing, 1, 2, 3…with Actual Users

Looking to inject an element of excitement into your design journey? Consider bypassing user testing with a diverse group of participants. It’s akin to fine-tuning a roller coaster to provide a thrilling yet safe experience. Buckle up and assemble your team of testers to gather invaluable feedback, ensuring your design is universally accessible.

Conclusion: A Design World for Everyone

In the realm of UI/UX design, accessibility isn’t merely a checkbox; it’s the path to an inclusive digital realm where everyone can partake in the joy. Keep the keys to accessibility in mind, welcome the keyboard warriors, and sprinkle in a pinch of humor as you go. Because like a well-crafted user experience, laughter knows no boundaries.

Additional Insights

Now that we’ve covered the basics, let’s dig a bit deeper. Accessibility isn’t just about checking boxes; it’s about empathy and understanding the diverse needs of your users.

6. Inclusive Design: Designing for All

Picture yourself crafting a chair for a diverse room of individuals — some tall, some short, some seated in wheelchairs, and others who favor standing. Would you create a chair exclusively tailored to one person’s needs? Certainly not! That’s the heart of inclusive design — crafting solutions that cater to the broadest spectrum of abilities and preferences. As you embark on your next UI project, envision it as designing that universal chair. The goal? Ensuring everyone finds a comfortable seat at the digital table (or screen)!

7. Future Trends in Accessibility

Accessibility is a dynamic field that continually adapts to technological advancements. As designers, it’s paramount to remain at the forefront of emerging trends. Take, for instance, the rise of voice interfaces, which hold vast potential for individuals facing mobility challenges. The future of accessibility is radiant and teeming with thrilling innovations, so don your designer’s cap and embrace fresh ideas with an open heart.

Conclusion (Yesss! This is the real one)

Now, fellow designers, let’s embark on the journey to create a digital realm that’s accessible and delightful for all. Keep in mind that if your design can bring a smile to someone’s face, you’re steering in the right direction!

Well I also have a Calendy link for you here Free UI/UX Design Consultation. In this consultation, we can discuss about any questions you have, and provide you with some guidance on how to get started in the field of UI/UX.

Want to hire me? You can Hire Me here to by scheduling a meet and I will be there to seal the deal.

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Rishav Raj Sinha
Writer for

CAE Modeller || Low Poly Graphics Designer || UI/UX Designer || Transitioned from being an Engineer to Designer