Ace your first UX design job

Azam Anwer
Published in
4 min readDec 28, 2022
A poster saying “Ace your first ux design job” with illustration of a girl
Something that I had to learn the hard way

Starting your first job in UX is both exciting and intimidating. You’ll be working with different stakeholders to solve real-world problems, which can be overwhelming. To help you give your best in your new job, here are five best practices to explore.

You’ve been hired!

That’s an amazing feeling after all that hard work, isn’t it? Especially if it’s your first job. New UX designers have quite the journey ahead of them — they need to finish courses, put together a portfolio, and really hustle to land a job.

Online content and coursework can help people learn and refine their UX skills, but what they actually do in their first job — especially in startups — can be quite different. Sure, what they learn in a structured course might work in an ideal environment with perfect structure, but working in startups can be like a rollercoaster ride — exciting and full of ups and downs.

Starting your first job as a UX designer can be both exhilarating and intimidating. You may be filled with enthusiasm and ambition to show what you can do, but at the same time, you may also be nervous about meeting expectations and fitting in with your new team. If you’re just starting out as a UX designer, here are some tips to help you navigate through your first job

A girl studying in library

Unlearn to learn

One of the most critical tasks for a UX designer in their first job is to remain open to learning. This entails being willing to discard preconceived notions and past experiences, and being open to new techniques, approaches, and tools. Don’t hesitate to ask questions and seek advice from more experienced designers. Doing so will help you develop and refine your skills.

A kid helping other kid in woods

Do not hesitate to ask for help

As a new designer, it’s totally normal to feel like you have to have all the answers and be able to solve every problem yourself. But don’t forget that you are part of a team! So don’t be shy about asking your teammates and your supervisor for help and guidance when you need it.

Two people sitting together

Polish your communication skills

As a UX designer, your work involves lots of collaboration with others — developers, product managers, and stakeholders. That’s why it’s so important to have great communication skills. Listen actively, ask questions to make sure everyone’s on the same page, and present your designs in a way that makes sense to everyone.

A team of colleagues having a discussion

Defend your ideas, but take feedback seriously

It’s important to have confidence in your work as a UX designer and to stand behind your ideas and design decisions. But, it’s just as important to be open to feedback and listen to different perspectives. Take feedback seriously, use it to improve your designs, and be able to explain your thought process and reasoning.

A guy holding paint brushes

Think creatively

As a UX designer, it’s your job to come up with innovative solutions to difficult problems. Don’t be scared to think outside the box and come up with ideas that may not have been considered before. Take your time to explore different ways and come up with multiple solutions, as this will help you find the best solution for the user.

With a bit of preparation and the right attitude, you can do great in your new role. Keep an open mind, don’t be afraid to ask for help, communicate properly, and use your creativity to tackle tough issues. Wishing you the best of luck!

Here are some of the UX resources for New Designers.

  1. Laws of UX design:
  2. Screenshots of popular apps:
  3. Portfolio Inspiration:
  4. Portfolio Inspiration:
  5. Resources to learn fundamentals of UI/UX Design:
  6. AI tool to help write UX copy:
  7. Case Studies of popular products:

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