An Introduction to UX Research — Simplifying My Research Process

Victor Ade-Samuel
Published in
3 min readSep 12, 2022



UX is a weird discipline where you are trying to design something for the future, analyzing data from the past, to give you insights into the present.

More often than not, the success/failure of a product depends on the amount of quality research that is put into the product. Various things have been said as to how proper detailed UX Research should be carried out. Different processes work for different people and in this article, I have been able to simplify and break down the almighty ambiguous research process into my four-step BISC approach.

My Design problem-solving map

Design is not just about research, visuals and prototypes. It is about the problem-solving mindset behind the various aspects of the problem.

The 4-step approach

A simple 4-step approach to UX Research

1. Break down the problem


  • Prompt example/problem — design an app for students to reserve spaces in the library
  • Goal — Create an experience to reserve work desks/spaces in the library; provide spaces for students to help them focus on their academic studies.
  • Audience — Students, Professors & members of the school community
Breaking down the problem
  • Location — Libraries in Abuja
  • Impact — unknown; Based on assumptions
  • Request — Web application and native mobile app
  • Time — One month

2. Identify knowns & unknowns

Step 1

  • Identifying the type of problem
  • Types of problems -

a. Complex enterprise problem — design a platform that allows network operators to manage the licenses of ISP’s

b. Service design problem — How might we end homelessness in Nigeria?

c. Product design problem — design an app for students to reserve spaces in the library

Step 2

  • Revisit basic notions you forgot due to stress and overwhelming
  • Ask broad & simple questions
  • Understand what you are required to know at a deeper level
  • Building a framework around how you will solve the problem

Step 3

Identifying your known and unknown

3. Structure your process

  • What design tools do I want to use?

Figma? Adobe XD? Figjam?

  • What research method is suitable for this problem?

Different design methods are applicable for various problems. It is in your capacity as a UX researcher to determine what design process is best to tackle the given problem. A problem might require you to use the Crazy eight method and not the HMW questions etc as the case may be.

  • Customer Journey
  • Affinity mapping
  • Value proposition canvas
  • User persona
  • User stories
  • 5 why’s
  • Service blueprint
  • HMW Questions
  • Crazy eight
  • Storyboarding
  • Impact/effort matrix

4. Collect & synthesize data/execute

While you execute, define the success of what you want to achieve.

If you’d like to see more of my work and connect with me, please do not hesitate to contact me;

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