Bakery App Case Study

Anshul Dawar
Published in
5 min readJul 4, 2023

The project is a part of Google UX Design Professional Certification Program

Bakery App design mockup of Home page

Project Overview

The Ash Bakery app that allow users to quickly order the snacks, pastry and get notified when the order is ready.

The Problem

Ash Bakery app aims to develop a product that can improve the ordering experience of its users, increase customer satisfaction and thus positively affect sales, contribute to building customer loyalty and help the company’s efforts.

My role & responsibility

UX Researcher

Process Followed — Design Thinking Framework


Bakery App — Notebook with a pen and some charts are showing. Source- Unsplash


Foundational Research — During the foundational research phase, my primary objective was to identify the needs of users and develop effective solutions through my product.

This type of research is characterized as primary, qualitative, and descriptive since its focus is on comprehending user needs, outlining their objectives, and addressing their issues. The insights obtained from these interviews will assist in defining user problems, fostering empathy as a researcher, constructing empathy maps, and creating personas.

Empathy Maps has 4 sections of Says Think Does and Feels
Empathy Maps

User Persona & User story

In the subsequent stage, the prevailing themes identified in the foundational research data were acknowledged, and users embodying those themes were categorized into distinct personas. These personas are fictional representations of users whose goals and attributes encapsulate the needs of a specific user group.

User Personas
USer story for Saskya and Rahul
User Story

User Journey Map

User Journey Map Sasykya
Rahul Journey Map


The 5 Ws and H: who, what, when, where, why, and how
The most common framework used to create problem statements is the
5 Ws and H framework. After I defined the user’s pain points, one can answer who, what, when, where, why, and how to solve the user’s problem.

Who — Saskya, and high school student
What — She doesn’t want to wait for her order
Where — In the Bakery shop
When — It start as soon as she enters the coffee shop
Why — Saskya doesn’t want to go home late hours
How — With an ordering app Saskya will order her food from the dance class itself, and she can check the availability of the food as well

Problem Statement:

Saskya is a high school student, who needs Bakery ordering app because she wants to pre-order her meal and save some time.


Competitive Analysis

Competitve Anaysis

Competitive Analysis Audit Link

Crown Bakery is a well-designed app that has a clear navigation with sort and filter option on the product listing, and available in English, Malay and Chinese. They also have a Wishlist feature, account and orders section from where you can repeat your previous orders.

Kneaders Bakery & Cafe is also a well-designed app with clear branding and mind-blowing images. The app has an excellent user flow from selecting an item to checkout. They also have loyalty program in which they offer free food/beverages to the regular customers.

Brijwasi bakery app is also well-designed, and easy to navigate but it lacks the branding as all the primary, secondary CTA look the same and flow is confusing as some of the icons are really close to one another. Apart from this, Brijwasi offers great deals on loyalty programs once you have created your account and before placing the order the app confirms the orders once more with the user. And payment section has all the major payment options.

Prototype State

Wireframes and Prototyping


Big Picture and Close up Storyboard

Usability Study

I conducted two rounds of Usability studies. Finding form the first study helped guide the designs from wireframe to mockups. The second study used a high-fidelity prototype and revealed what aspects of the mockups needed refining.

Link to Usability

Usability Study Round 1 Findings:

  1. User want to customize their order
  2. User want a sort option
  3. User want a remove button on cart to remove items

Usability Study Round 2 Findings:

  1. Does not need remove button user can delete the item by reducing the quantity less than 1
  2. User demands the delivery option too on the app.
Every designs allows some customization but after usability studies, I additionally added the Sort option after First Usability study.


Bakery App Final Screens
Bakery App Mockup

Link to High Fidelity Prototype

Accessibility considerations

  1. Provided access to users who are vision impaired through adding alt text to images for screen readers.
  2. Used icons to help make navigation easier.
  3. Used detailed imagery for menu items to help all users better understand the designs.


The app makes users feel like Ash Bakery really thinks about how to meet their needs.

One quote from peer feedback:

I had a great experience ordering from Bakery using the app. It was easy and fun to use. I would definitely recommend it for anyone looking for a delicious, fast, and even healthy meal.

What I learned

While designing the Ash Bakery app, I learned that the first ideas for the app are only the beginning of the process. Usability studies and peer feedback influenced each iteration of the app’s designs.



Anshul Dawar

I help founders to build International brands by building them a world class website | Freelance Full-stack Designer |