Beyond the Different Equations for Writing Applications for NASA Grants
Use Design Thinking as a Null Hypothesis and Follow Tech Transfer Rules
Today marks the last day of my first week in Graduate School for Nuclear and Mechanical Engineering. That means I’m trying to find my seatbelt and buckle up for dear life. The purpose of my article today is to discuss design patterns for interfaces for missions to Mars. And I’ll show you how I used ChatGPT to research content for this article as well as use its output to write your article summary, conversationally.
As someone trying to go beyond traditional design thinking’s adherence to a double diamond pattern of convergence and divergence, I need to take the subjectivity out of the design of these future facing interfaces.
To read more about what people mean when they say Martian Interfaces, check out this article.
Your next question might be, Micah, shouldn’t you be doing your homework since its your first week in Graduate School?