Case study: Building a platform for creative talents

Shantanu Kumar
Published in
5 min readNov 21, 2020


Social media isn’t just fun and games anymore. If it’s put to use, it is a powerful tool for networking and marketing. But the thing about the popular social media platforms is that it is more “Influencer” based, i.e., it has more to do with internet validation and very seldom does real talent or artists get recognition. Even if they’re able to gain some popularity, it’s not easy for them to look for work or be hired.

Understanding the crisis

It has always been the way of the people that some of the professions are thought to be superior to others. This is one of the reasons for the cut-throat competition for the “mainstream jobs”, the other reason being the lack of exposure for the “underrated” professions. No matter what, one cannot deny the fact that these professions and not getting the appreciation and recognition that it deserves.

Method of Research

To put some light into this matter, we asked about a hundred people about their jobs, if they are getting enough exposure, and also asked them about a few of the underrepresented professions. We used Google forms to conduct the survey.

