Case study: Building a platform to share and find jam sessions

Discover real music events anywhere in the World and become part of your local musician’s community with Jammit

Mariana Vargas


Vector by Freepik composed with photo by Denise Jans on Unsplash

Problem overview

Jam sessions are casual meetings for music or dance improvisation. This type of event has existed for decades, not only in private settings but also open to audiences.

Jam sessions’ public includes not only musicians and dancers but also live-music enthusiasts without formal music/dance background. For those out of the “music scene”, jam sessions can be hard to find, as they are usually promoted by word-of-mouth.

This project aimed to be a platform to connect jam sessions with their attendees and to easily find events everywhere in the world.

The Process

I followed every phase of the double diamond model, respectively:

  • Discover: understanding the problem, performing quantitative and qualitative research to empathize with the users;
  • Define: analyze research results to gather concrete insights and detect user’s main pain points and opportunities;
  • Develop: work with the previous insights to ideate possible solutions…



Mariana Vargas

UX Engineer | Singer-songwriter | Underground Influencer | Enthusiast of the Bizarre