Case study: Helping Online users to pick the correct fit in Myntra.

This design project aims to comprehend the behavior of users who are trying to choose clothing that fits their bodies and the different factors that influence the decision to make an order quickly with the relevant solutions.

Sekar M
13 min readMay 15, 2023



This case study was meant to reflect on my thoughts and explore my design approach. I was in no way associated with Myntra at the time of working on this project


The goal of this case study is to gain an understanding of the behavioral aspects of users who are trying to order products online and the issues they face while using the product.

My Role

In short, an online shopping app aims to simplify and provide a hassle-free user experience for people to choose which product is suitable for them.

As a Product designer, my goal is to empathize with and understand the needs, mindset, experience, and decision-making pattern of the user to come up with a solution that ensures that all the objectives of the user are met.

The problem statement

It’s common for users to forget their dress size, but they often search for their clothing in different brands and from other countries’ products without being aware of its size and fit.

At the end of the day, they will either return or exchange the order.

Identifying problem statement

During the pandemic and post-lockdown, there has been a high rise in ordering clothing with different attire from various brands through online shopping, but Seeing the number of products brings users excitement, which allows them to spend time and place orders.

Despite their time-consuming order process, they still had doubts about the product’s size, fit, and quality.

The possibility of exchanging or returning products once received and size variations between brands may cause users to distrust online shopping.


User Journey Mapping encompasses the sequence of experiences that a user encounters while using a flow.

Current Version

Users cannot consistently meet their goals (such as placing the desired order).

Redesigned Version

Plan of action to achieve my Ideas!

Design Process

  • Carry out Idea — Empathy with potential End users — Desk Research — Problem validation — Ideation Phase — Final screen — Test among user’s.

For this, I framed the 5Ws — Who, What, When, Where, Why, and 1H — how, which helped me understand the different aspects of the topic.


What are the factors and ultimate goals that influence the users to buy in online?

  • Users can easily compare prices with perceived ease of use, perceived risk, perceived usefulness, transparent return policies reliable customer support services, and Accessibility these factors make users buy products online.

This question is intended to gather data and observe the problems and errors that users encounter on the current platform, and I am utilizing quantitative research to do so.


Who are the primary users of online shopping?

  • To uncover the diverse types of users who are experiencing this issue, from diverse fields, backgrounds, age groups, and demographics.

This question allows me to gain insight (primary Users) of this platform, as well as gain a better understanding of the problem from their perspective.

This aspect enables us to determine the user’s personality (Sets) by analyzing their goals, challenges, and pain points.

When & Where?

When & Where do users face the problem and focus most on the platform?

  • Follow up on the Existing process when users encounter problems in the current user flow.
  • Determine if these problems vary among different users. Research the aspects that act as triggers or barriers for the user experience, causing discomfort or problems.
  • Need to understand the behavior of the user’s needs and user flow using the online shopping focus on to solve their problems and frustrations.

This shows us where the user is experiencing a primary issue (parental problem) and a secondary issue (child problem) based on this can provide possible solutions.


Why is it important to solve the problem?

  • Creating a shopping experience that is user-friendly, seamless, efficient, and enjoyable is essential for creating a benefit for both users and businesses by solving problems in online shopping.
  • By making the shopping process intuitive, businesses can reduce errors from the user’s end.

The outcomes can demonstrate the distinction between before and after resolving the problem.


How can I make a difference by solving the problem before and after solving the problem?

  • Providing validation and description, as well as solving central problems, as well as highlighting its advantages and potential for both end-users and business users.

By showing metrics and improvement in user flow with a hassle-free user experience.

Secondary Research

Online fashion commerce seems to be picking up quite rapidly in the last few years. In 2020, eCommerce predicts a 65 percent increase in the total number of online transactions, and it’s estimated that it will double by 2025.

Top Insights

Urban vs Rural Perspective

Although, eCommerce majors are pinning their sales strategy towards non-metros, brands are still reluctant to do so, despite of the fact that the maximum increase in orders during sales season across categories is witnessed more in non-metros.

Initially, while starting the project, I had an assumption that Online shopping must be used predominantly by the urban population,

However with research, I came to know that the online population is more popular amongst the rural crowd than the urban crowd.

Article link — click here

Age group

More than half of the sales come from buyers less than 25 years of age.

The youth, in keeping with the global trend, was seen to be the biggest online spenders. Only 7% of the online buyers were seen to be more than 41 years of age or above

Gender equality

  • With 90% of women struggling to find clothing that fits their bodies,
  • It’s no wonder that 70% of returns in fashion retail are due to poor fit or style

Article link — click here

Return reasons

Women’s clothing is returned by 35% of buyers and men’s clothing by 16%.

35% of new shoppers and 40% of repeat shoppers would be happy to exchange the item they have purchased for another size instead of returning.

Key Aspects need to consider

Fit Issues while trying for a new brand?

While a size 12 in the US is a size 16 in the UK, a size M in the US is a size L in the UK.

  • Even the sizing within a brand may differ due to the varying nature of fabrics and techniques used.

Article link — click here.

Defining Target user

After secondary research, I was able to identify the target audience. I gathered a lot of valuable insights in my secondary research which helped me understand the points I would like to understand in-depth during my Primary research

Primary Research

User Interviews

To gain an understanding of the user’s challenges, experience, expectations, frustrations, and other aspects, I began collecting a session guide with a small set of insights from Myntra product feedback .

Insights from the User reviews from (Myntra )

  • Frequently, I choose items based on my standard size, but they don’t fit my body due to different brand and I also experience some looseness after wearing the dress, which doesn’t suit my skin tone.
  • In general, I would choose based on color and quality .I am unable to evaluate fabric online However… The product I received did not meet my expectations (especially in terms of size and quality).
  • Sorting out the vast array of products available during any offer or year-end sale can be a challenge, depending on our needs.
  • Return products may experience the same issues as the original ones, including size variations, even though they may be delayed in delivery.
  • The quality of the product is just ok. In terms of both fit and quality, it doesn’t appear as good as it does in the picture. Embroidery threads started losing even before the first wash.
  • It’s extremely body hugging and the material is not very comfy.
  • This product M size is like S size ,but My size is M which i purchased in Retail stores , frequently. Don’t why not matching with retail standards.

And few more..

Analyzing of Data

After receiving insights from primary research, I decided to simplify all of the raw data so that it could be inferred into 2user sets, created concerning all of the acquired data.

User sets

1. Occasional users (events, festive seasons ) where he /she used to buy on those times and Offer /year-end deal .

2. Frequently users where he/ she used to buy what they need ( even daily attire)

User Persona

I created a user persona to give a representation of my target audience. It helped me to get a clear understanding of user behavior and their needs.

Empathy maps

  • Maps were useful while conducting interviews testing the existing product or launching the product

I decided to scope down the target user set to one

User persona 1 & Empathy maps — Daily user

User persona 2 & Empathy maps — Occasional user

Defining problem Statement

It’s a helpful scoping device, focusing the team on the problem it needs to explore and subsequently solve.

From this, I can understand the core and sub-problems that users face while experiencing the overall platform.

Understanding the problem space

I used to observe problems in every step of the user flow, enabling me to detect where the user was experiencing problems and making errors. There is a gap in the process of selecting a product and placing an order.

I am striving to connect those bridges to enhance the user experience of the platform.

The current Myntra app’s user flow can be viewed here with User scenarios and edge cases.

Flow 1

  • Users prefer using filters to narrow down the results when buying products in a specific category.
  • However, the user may still spend a lot of time setting up the right filters.
  • After the filters have been set up, they can view the limit of the products based on the filter configuration.
  • Users may select a product without considering if it suits their needs before placing an order.

Flow 2

  • In my profile, users need to manually fill out the form, which can be overwhelming due to a lack of awareness about the required information.
  • So it makes partial data and doesn’t offer a hassle-free experience while upcoming shopping.

Flow 3

  • Users need to rate the product once it has been delivered. However, this rating does not have an impact due to common feedback for all products.

Solution Part

Here, I generated a lot of ideas related to core problems and breaking subproblems in the overall existing user flow.

Based on these experiences, I refined the new user flow.

Low Fidelity Wireframes

I started with low-fidelity wireframes before moving to high-fidelity digital wireframes to come up with detailed ideas, made iterations wherever needed to decide the user flow.

High fidelity wireframes — ITERATION PROCESS

I refined the screens after finding out that the users were having certain issues while interacting with the prototype

My Order Screen

Once the user has received the product.

  • The user is supposed to give a review and feedback , it is not mandatory.
  • By doing so, they may acquire a lot of recommendations and be suggested similar products.

In the feedback and rating screen

  • The user must provide valid information that matches what they received, include attached photos, and write a detailed note about the product.

MY WARDROBE — New Page with Two features

1. My order List — Products which has been received previously

2. Saved Product —The user has rated this for a previously received product.

User Journey 1

Filter Screen

Despite using the filter option, the user is still faced with a vast array of products, making it challenging to select the correct one.

Two features were introduced in the filter:

Compare product

  • which allows the user to select only size-related/ Brand products from their order list (Previously ordered products).

Saved product

  • This feature, which is more efficient for the user, will display results based on brand, price, size, and fit.
  • So users don’t need to set up multiple filters.

Flexibility and efficiency of the user.

So users will only see a limited number of products on the next screen, making it easier for them to choose.

My Wardrobe List

Help users recognize diagnose and recover from errors

These screens assist users in selecting and placing orders quickly without making errors, as well as reducing time.

User Journey 2

Edit Profile

In case if user loses/doesn’t correct the description or has irrelevant answers, in that time auto-fill option helps them.

  • In the profile, users have the option to fill out the input fields automatically based on the Wardrobe products

User flow — While shopping

Specific Product selection

While shopping for any product

  • It informs the user whether this brand is appropriate for them by profile input fields, and based on this, they can choose a brand more quickly.
  • Size recommendations are also given to users, which speeds up their orders.

Recognition rather than recall


What If size differs from one product Brand to another product brand?

Size chart Screen

Understanding the sizes (inches/centimeters) with any country’s standards is necessary for the user in the size chart.

Size chart detailed screen

  • To visually understand the sizes, users can select either the saved or ordered product to view comparisons.
  • Based on comparisons, they can finalize the product.

Match between system and real-world

In the size chart users may get stuck while seeing the size numbers are so similar from one size to another size while providing two Tables they may easily compare with the previous order list and pick the product that they need.

Conclusion -What I Achieved from this!

Retention Rate

This metric refers to the percentage of users who return to your product after their initial visit. A high retention rate signifies that your product is engaging and meets the needs of your users.

User Perspective

  • The platform makes it easy for users to find products quickly without spending a lot of time, which enables them to return next time for hassle-free shopping.
  • This feature can be utilized by user to ensure a correct order and decrease the possibility of product returns.

Business Perspective

  • If users are comfortable and satisfied with their orders without any mistakes, then Users will frequently visit the site to place orders and also refer to other people’s as well.

User Satisfaction

The ultimate goal of any product is to satisfy its users. User satisfaction metrics can help you measure the happiness quotient of your users.

User Perspective

  • A new feature has been added that requires the user to provide feedback and save the product with detailed descriptions about the specific attire in all aspects.
  • This is necessary for users to keep shopping online engaging . It will also enable them to receive suggested similar products in their future searches.

Business Perspective

  • The platform that provides the correct result and outcome based on users’ needs is trustworthy on platform by the end of the day.
  • These factors will result in an increase in the number of users on the other end.

Error Rate

This measures the number of errors users encounter when using your product. A high error rate indicates that product is difficult to use and requires improvements. This could be in the form of refining user flows.

User Perspective

  • In user flow , while selecting any product / sort & filter it show only which user need it make user not to much errors in While placing a order.

Business Perspective

  • Users can avoid making mistakes when placing orders for each product. Returning items can lead to lost revenue for the retailer due to shipping and warehousing costs that can be completely avoided.

key learnings

One of the major things I learned from this project is,

To reach your destiny (Right Idea), it’s necessary to follow the right process that provides potential answers for a deeper understanding of the problem. So you can reach your destination.

Hey, you stayed with me till the end of this article. You can reach out to me at

