Designing is not just drawing with no intention, but design itself is so meaningful

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5 min readNov 17, 2022

Design’s world just like human’s world or we can say design’s world is the creation of human behavior from human’s world, we say it as human center art. That assumption could be put on UI/UX design as well. Here’s some law that we should pay attention of, because it would make different result of our design as UI/UX designer and researcher. I already packed it, so I hope it’s easy to understand.

Aesthetic-Usability Effect Law

Users believe that designs that look good also work well. It is linear with the theory of positive effect and it’s influence on cognition. Relationship effect between products and users has good side if that is good relationship.

Aesthetic Design




Work well for long term success

Hick’s Law

Lots of option make the costumers browse, but fewer choices got them to buy it is call a Paradox of choices that say, less is more — too much choices is stressful. As designer we need to remember that user’s time is precious and user is not obligated to stay on our site.

Fitt’s Law

Human motor system need time required to move a target depends on distance to it. Instance, Interactive buttons should have size at least 1 x 1 cm to prevent fat finger errors. The movement it could be categorized as initial movement (fast) and final movement (slow) to recognize is it true button or not. Here’s a few tips to make interactive elements:

Pay attention of the size, at least 1 x 1 cm.

Mind the gap between elements.

Highlight or make it as oversized button if it important button.

Icon need label, make the area large

Label must be present along side an icon.

Oversized Button in Gojek

Goal-Gradient Effect

People only remember three types of experience

Good experience

Worst experience

End experience

In UI/UX field, this law come out as

Progress visualization

Fun activity and rewarding

Activity Tracking

Activity Tracking in Gojek

Jakob’s Law

This law said that make a interface look like what the user familiar with, because it’s decrease the effort which is its good step to attract them.

Telegram and Whatsapp Logo

Miller’s Law

Research says that the average people can only keep 7 (plus minus 2) items in their working memory. Things you should pay attention more are:

Don’t use unnecessary design

Organize content into smaller group

Avoid too many choices

Strive for readability

Use iconography

Iconography in Gojek

Parkinson’s Law

“We should be careful not to exhaust our available time on things that are merely good and leave little time for that which the best”

Tips: Set time as the weight of that task

Usability Testing Illustration

Doherty Treshold

The art of understanding computer science, a computer and users interact at pace (<400 ms) to keep productivity and users attention. One of the solution is use animation to engage people while the processing happening in the background. Another solution is add progress bar to know how much time that they should wait, make it more tolerable.

Progress Overview

Occam’s Razor

Less elements is good but we should prioritize the function, is it give bad impact to work flow or not? So, instead of decreasing elements we should analyze it first as a functionality. Consider completion only when no additional items can be removed.

Function of Elements

Pareto Principle

The rules of 80/20

As a designer we should know what our priority to make an impact 80% of our 20% effort. So, we could bring the largest benefit to the most users.

How to Prioritize Things

Postel’s Law

Research result it shouldn’t be so objective full to user, a lot of consideration must be think of. Translating the input to your requirement to get the wonderful insights.

Translating Illustration

The Rule of Least Power

“Don’t use the advance technology for a little output.”

Example is use simple program languages for build simple output.

Different Tool Different Output

Law of Common Region

To know user behavior and how they finish the task, grouping elements is the solution. The goal of grouping element is to make the flow easy to do, not confusing them.


Make a section

Adding border

Defining the background such as color

Grouping Element in Gojek

Law of proximity

“The element that are closed each other consider as a group”


Law of Pragnanz

“People will perceive and interpret ambiguous and complexity as the simplest form possible, because that only use least cognitive effort.”

Logo Design

Peak End Rule

“Most people look at the end or peak not average moment they’ve been through”



Identify the time when the product at the good work

Peak-End Rule Graphic

Serial Position Effect

Positioning is important, the best place to users easy to remember is first and last items

Example is navigation bar, far left or far right.

Navigation in Web Design

Von Restroff Effect

“The unique one always stand-out”

Highlight Element

Zeigarnik Effect

“People remember uncompleted task better than completed task”

Uncompleted Task in Gojek

This article actually as my note when I learnt about design principle at UI/UX field, but I think I should share it so everyone could learn it too.

Lastly, I have quote that said “The best design is design that could answer human problem and communicate it to them”.

This article is the summarize of this website so kindly to check it to more information.

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