Don’t wait… find your artistic voice now.

Jason Guillard
Published in
4 min readSep 19, 2024
Talk to the hand, Anna Orbaczewska

Finding your artistic voice is like unlocking that part of yourself that’s been waiting to come out.

Forget techniques or trends — it’s about what makes you you and bringing that to life.

Your voice is already there, waiting for you to discover it.

So why wait?

1. Experiment without limits

If you want to find your artistic voice, you have to break free from expectations — especially your own.

Don’t be afraid to explore different styles, tools, and approaches.

When you stop putting limits on yourself, you create space for your true self to emerge.

Tip: Approach each project with the mindset that it’s an experiment.

There’s no right or wrong — just discovery.

2. Tap into your story

Your story, your life experiences — these are where your unique voice lives.

The way you see the world is shaped by everything you’ve been through, and that’s what gives your art its power.

Tap into those experiences and let them guide your work.

Tip: Think about the moments that shaped you.

The more personal the inspiration, the more your voice will stand out.

3. Embrace what makes you different

It’s the things that make you different that make your voice stand out.

Stop worrying about fitting into a mold.

Whether it’s your perspective, your process, or even the mistakes you make, these are the things that set you apart.

Tip: Lean into what makes you different.

Use it to fuel your work and let it become part of your signature style.

4. Create every day

Consistency is how you sharpen your voice.

The more you create, the clearer your message becomes.

Don’t wait for some big breakthrough — start making something every day, even if it’s small.

That’s how your voice develops over time.

Tip: Set aside a few minutes every day to create, no matter what.

It doesn’t have to be perfect — it just has to get done.

5. Don’t strive for perfection

Perfectionism kills creativity.

Waiting for the perfect idea or perfect moment will only keep you stuck.

Your artistic voice is raw, real, and constantly evolving.

Don’t wait until you feel “ready” — start now, and trust that the process will shape you along the way.

Tip: Let go of the idea that everything needs to be perfect.

Imperfection is part of what makes your work resonate.

6. Find inspiration, then make it yours

It’s great to find inspiration in others, but don’t get stuck there.

Take what moves you, but filter it through your own perspective.

Your artistic voice is a combination of everything that inspires you and everything you bring to the table.

Tip: When you look at other artists, ask yourself, “What can I add to this conversation?”

That’s where your voice lives.

7. Take risks

Playing it safe won’t get you far.

Your artistic voice thrives on risk — trying new things, pushing boundaries, and stepping outside the lines.

When you take risks, you discover new layers of yourself and your work.

Tip: Challenge yourself with something that scares you.

Risk brings growth, and growth sharpens your voice.

8. Trust your instincts

There’s a lot of noise out there — people telling you how to create or what your work should look like.

But at the end of the day, only you can define your artistic voice.

Take feedback, but trust your gut above all.

Your instincts are your strongest guide.

Tip: When making decisions about your work, always check in with yourself first.

What feels right to you? That’s the answer.

9. Don’t wait — your voice is ready

Your artistic voice isn’t something you need to go searching for — it’s already within you.

All you have to do is start.

Every time you create, every piece of work you put out, is another step toward finding and refining that voice.

Tip: Start now.

Your voice will develop as you do. The only way to find it is to begin.

Take action

The world needs to hear what you have to say, and no one else can say it the way you can.

Your artistic voice is waiting for you to unlock it, and the time to start is now.

Don’t hold back, don’t wait for the perfect moment, and don’t worry about getting it “right.”

Start creating today, and let your voice reveal itself with every piece you make.

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Jason Guillard

Founder of FLASHWORLD & BlueRatio. Creator of ‘1000 Questions for Artists’—inspiring creative journeys worldwide.