Essential UI Design Principles: A Foundation for Beginners

Craig K.
Published in
2 min readMay 5, 2024

In the realm of UI design, adhering to proven design principles can significantly enhance user experience and usability.

Derived from an extensive analysis of 48 individual design projects in the Designing Interfaces 112–2 class at Shih Chien University, these 8 essential design principles have been synthesized to guide beginners in the foundational stages of UI design. These principles not only reflect the collective wisdom gleaned from scoring numerous projects but also serve as immediate, practical tools for evaluating and improving UI designs.

1. Simplify Layouts

Remove unnecessary styles from layouts to focus user attention on important content. This principle emphasizes the importance of eliminating clutter to facilitate ease of use and improve the ability to process information.

2. Organize Navigation

Navigation should be clean and grouped, making it intuitive for users to find what they need quickly. Effective categorization aligns with user expectations and common sense, which is vital for a seamless experience.

3. Guide Through Navigation

Clear guidance in navigation and search functions is crucial. Incorporating real-time feedback and predictive search can greatly enhance the efficiency of these tools, making the user’s journey through the interface as smooth as possible.

4. Reduce Cognitive Load

It is essential to minimize the cognitive load by limiting the amount of information presented at once. This approach helps prevent user overwhelm and allows for a focused interaction with the interface.

5. Ensure Color Contrast

Proper color contrast is not just about aesthetics — it’s a fundamental aspect of accessibility. Adequate contrast ensures that all users, including those with visual impairments, can read and interact with the interface effectively.

6. Keep Typography Consistency

Using consistent typography improves readability and lends a professional look to the interface. Proper font selection, size, and spacing are crucial to accommodate a diverse range of users and devices.

7. Highlight Important Icons

Important control icons should be easily visible and recognizable. Highlighting these icons helps users quickly understand what actions they can take and encourages efficient interaction.

8. Icons with Clarifying Text

Icons should be paired with clarifying text to ensure their functions are immediately apparent. This principle highlights the importance of supporting visual elements with textual descriptions, which helps eliminate ambiguity and enhances user comprehension at a glance.

These 8 design principles, honed through rigorous evaluation of design projects at Shih Chien University, offer a vital toolkit for novice UI designers. By applying these guidelines, designers can ensure their interfaces are not only visually appealing but also intuitive and easy to navigate, ultimately leading to a better user experience.

