Every Day Counts: The Power of Daily Baby Steps in Achieving Long-Term Success

Manuela Olivero
Published in
3 min readDec 22, 2023
Photo by Kyle Glenn on Unsplash

As the year draws to a close, I reflect on the past and contemplate the future, evaluating my achievements and considering areas for improvement. This introspective journey has prompted me to delve into the significance of each day, realizing the profound impact of daily actions on personal growth and development.

As a Director of Product Design, I’ve learned that success in design and innovation is not always about giant leaps but the consistent and intentional baby steps taken every day. This article explores the transformative power of incorporating small, daily actions into your design process to achieve long-term success.

1. Cultivating a growth mindset

Success often begins with the right mindset. Embrace a growth mindset that recognizes the value of continuous improvement and learning. Approach each day as an opportunity to grow, iterate, and refine your design skills. By acknowledging that every step, no matter how small, contributes to your development, you’ll find motivation in the process itself.

2. Setting attainable daily goals

Break down your long-term design goals into smaller, manageable tasks. Set achievable daily goals that align with your broader objectives. This makes the journey less overwhelming and provides a sense of accomplishment at the end of each day. Celebrate these small victories — the building blocks of your long-term success.

3. Iterating and refining

In the fast-paced world of product design, iteration is critical. Use each day as an opportunity to iterate on your designs. Solicit feedback, analyze user interactions, and make incremental improvements. The cumulative effect of these daily refinements will lead to products that meet and exceed user expectations over time.

4. Consistency in practice

Design is a discipline that thrives on consistency. Make design a daily practice, just like any other skill. Set aside dedicated time each day for ideation, sketching, or exploring new design tools. Consistency fosters creativity, hones your skills, and ensures that you’re continually pushing the boundaries of what’s possible in your products.

5. Embracing failure as a learning opportunity

Only some design iterations will be a resounding success, and that’s okay. Embrace failure as a natural part of the creative process. Learn from setbacks, iterate on feedback, and use each experience as a stepping stone toward improvement. The resilience built through daily encounters with challenges is a powerful force that propels you toward long-term success.

6. Building collaborative habits

Success in product design is rarely a solo effort. Foster a collaborative mindset by actively seeking daily feedback from colleagues, stakeholders, and users. Encourage open communication, listen to diverse perspectives, and use this collaborative input to inform your daily design decisions. The collective wisdom gained from daily interactions contributes significantly to the success of your products. Refrain from being too protective of your ideas; otherwise, you will never get the best out of them.

7. Setting the next steps fast

Acting promptly is crucial for progress. Avoid prolonged delays and seize the initiative by swiftly establishing the next steps or taking decisive actions to attain your desired outcomes. The key lies in the swift and efficient implementation of your plans, ensuring that momentum is maintained and goals are consistently pursued.

8. Prioritizing well-being

Design is a demanding field, but it’s crucial to prioritize your well-being. Take small, daily steps to maintain a healthy work-life balance. Whether it’s a short walk, a moment of mindfulness, or dedicating time to hobbies, these daily rituals contribute to sustained creativity and resilience over the long haul.

Lace-up your design shoes and take daily steps — you’re on the path to success!



Manuela Olivero

Director of Product design, passionate about evolving human habits and new technologies, research, and innovations.