Exploring Habit Tracking and Journaling UX interfaces on ChatGPT and Custom GPTs

Sre Chakra Yeddula
Published in
5 min readNov 17, 2023
Exploring Journaling and Habit Tracking interfaces of ChatGPT

We are in unprecedented times, we’re witnessing the integration of artificial intelligence (AI) into our daily lives in ways we never imagined. One such intriguing application that has intrigued me is tha ability of using AI in journaling and habit tracking. On a personal front I have had trouble staying disciplined enough with tracking and journaling apps. I spent lots of time over the last weekend experimenting with how I can solve the various challenges of the inadequacies of the journaling apps with a custom GPT. Below is my experiment and exploration in using CHatGOT GOTs as habit tracking and journaling interfaces. In this article, we’ll delve into what makes an effective journaling and habit tracking interface, and how ChatGPT can revolutionize these practices.

Part 1: What Makes a Good Journaling and Habit Tracking Interface

Understanding the Needs and Requirements

Effective journaling and habit tracking require more than just jotting down notes or setting reminders. To truly support personal development, an interface needs to be:

  • User-Friendly: Research has shown that user-friendly interfaces are more likely to be adopted and used consistently by individuals (Source: Nielsen Norman Group). A user-friendly journaling interface reduces cognitive load, making it easier for users to focus on their goals.
  • Accessible: Accessibility is crucial for ensuring that a wide range of users can benefit from habit tracking and journaling. Studies have highlighted the importance of inclusive design to accommodate individuals with various abilities (Source: World Wide Web Consortium (W3C)).
  • Personalized: Personalization in journaling interfaces has been linked to increased engagement and effectiveness. According to a study published in the Journal of Personalized Medicine, tailoring journaling prompts and feedback to individual preferences and goals enhances the user experience and promotes behavior change (Source: Journal of Personalized Medicine).
  • Motivational: Motivation is a key factor in habit formation and maintenance. Research in the field of psychology has shown that providing positive reinforcement and rewards can boost motivation (Source: American Psychologist). A journaling interface that offers motivational messages and feedback can encourage users to stay on track.

Lets boil this down to the following tags #UserFriendly #Accessible #Personalized #Motivational

Custom GPT/ChatGPT as an Ideal Journaling and Habit Tracking Interface

The Conversational Approach
ChatGPT and custom GPTs offer a unique advantage for journaling and habit tracking through their conversational nature. Imagine having a dedicated chat for each of your habits or journal entries. You simply interact with it by typing or speaking about your progress for the day. You have the App or the web to add your entries. Speak to it or type it out. Even write notes and take pics.
#UserFriendly and #Accesible

Dedicated chat thread for each of your habits and journals

AI Summarization and analysis
But here’s where this type of interface truly shines. When you provide it with instructions, it can do more than just record your entries. It can summarize your entire journey over the past week or as needed. Whether you’re tracking your food intake, exercise routine, or daily thoughts, GPTs can compile a comprehensive summary. They can analyze and suggest activities for next steps.
#Personalized #Motivational

The Pic My Food tracker can provide summary of the food you ate throughout the day

Lets look at this approach by looking at some of the Custom GPTs I created for this approach that I have been using.

Putting Theory into Practice

Let’s look at some examples of GPTs that I have built and have been using for this purpose. Lets start with the Food tracker.

Pic My Food
Food Journal — Upload pics of your meals for the day. GPT provides a daily analysis and a weekly upon request.
Here is how it works.

Pic My Food Demo

Link to the GPT : https://chat.openai.com/g/g-7IeDAZC8X-pic-my-food

The best thing about doing this in one chat thread is the ability for the GPT to quickly give me the days summary in the design of my choice.
- I like a quick minimal details of what I have eaten.
- I like to just upload all the images in the night at once.
- So I want the AI agent to be able to ascertain what I ate based on the upload order.
- Then I want to be able to talk to it about my energy levels and have all of this logged.
- Every week I would love for a weekly review and focus on how to eat the next week.

Lets do a journal tracker or a journal buddy.

Journal Buddy
A journaling assistant that turns daily entries and images into weekly stories.

Here is how it looks.

Journal Buddy

Link to the GPT: https://chat.openai.com/g/g-3VOIyj3ZJ-journal-buddy

The best thing about doing this in one chat thread is the ability for the GPT to create my own version of my life as a story at the end of the week.
- I want to be able to talk to it about the day.
- If I write down my thoughts I would like for it to be able to read through those and create a summary.
- I want to be able to search it for details.
- I want to be able to have it give me writing tips.
- I want it to be able to chain tasks for my next week.

Tailored to Your Needs

Personalization is vital for success in habit tracking and journaling. These GPTs can adapt to your preferences, learning from your interactions to provide more relevant feedback and insights over time.

Addressing Concerns

Of course, There is always the issue of privacy. Make sure to deselect the training on data setting heen creating the GPT. I have turned it off on my ones.

See the last setting all the way below.

All the above experiments have cemented that there is now a new interface to journal and track your habits. This ability of AI to comprehend and analyze provides a great coach for your trackers.



Sre Chakra Yeddula

Enabler and AI Platforms Architect | AI Hobbyist | Jack of all trades | Helping people realize their best selves.