Finish what you start — here’s how

Jason Guillard
Published in
4 min readSep 18, 2024
Paige Jiyoung Moon

Creativity is like a wave.

Sometimes it hits you hard, and you’re riding high on inspiration.

Other times, it feels like you’re paddling out, waiting for the right moment to catch that next idea.

But here’s the thing: real magic happens when you show up — whether you’re feeling the wave or not.

That’s where focus and discipline come in.

They’re the tools that help you turn those sparks of creativity into something lasting and real.

So, how do you stay locked in, even when distractions or doubts creep in?

Let’s break it down.

Paige Jiyoung Moon

1. Set Intentions, Not Just Goals

Goals are cool, but intentions are everything.

A goal is what you want to achieve, but an intention is the energy behind it — the reason you’re doing it in the first place.

If you don’t connect to that deeper intention, it’s easy to get lost.

Stay tapped into why you’re creating.

That’s what’s going to pull you through those moments when things feel heavy.

Try This:

  • Ask yourself: Why am I doing this?
  • Keep that answer close — write it down, keep it in your studio, or remind yourself of it before you start each day.
Paige Jiyoung Moon

2. Honor the Routine, But Keep It Fluid

Discipline doesn’t mean locking yourself into some rigid routine that drains your energy.

It’s about finding a rhythm that feels right for you.

Get into the habit of creating, but leave room to adapt.

Some days, you’ll need structure.

Other days, you’ll need to break out of it to let the creativity flow.

The key is to show up consistently, even when you’re not feeling it.

Try This:

  • Set a creative window each day, whether it’s 30 minutes or 3 hours.
  • If you’re not vibing with your main project, do something else creative during that time — write, sketch, listen to music. Just stay in motion.
Paige Jiyoung Moon

3. Break It Down, Keep It Simple

Big ideas can feel overwhelming.

You’ve got this massive vision, but when it’s all in your head, it’s easy to get stuck.

Break it down into smaller pieces.

Master the micro to create something big.

Think of each step as its own track on an album — you don’t create the whole thing at once.

You lay down one layer, and then you build.

Try This:

  • Split your project into smaller milestones. Focus on one part at a time.
  • If you’re feeling blocked, zoom in. Tackle a detail or tweak something small to build momentum.
Paige Jiyoung Moon

4. Embrace the slow grind

Creativity isn’t always fast — it’s a process.

Just like how every great track takes time to produce, so does your creative work.

Be patient with yourself.

Progress happens in layers, and sometimes it’s slow, but trust that every small move is building toward something bigger.

Try This:

  • When you’re stuck, remind yourself: It’s a marathon, not a sprint.
  • Take breaks when you need to recharge — step away, get some air, listen to something that resets your mind.
Paige Jiyoung Moon

5. Surround yourself with energy

You know the saying: energy is contagious.

Stay connected to people and environments that inspire you and keep you lifted.

Whether it’s a creative crew or a space that gets your mind right, build a circle that pushes you forward when your focus slips.

Try This:

  • Collaborate or share your progress with others who get your vibe.
  • Curate a playlist, an art wall, or even lighting that keeps your energy flowing when you’re creating.
Paige Jiyoung Moon

6. Stay open to the unexpected

Sometimes, the most beautiful moments in the creative process happen when things don’t go as planned.

Don’t be afraid of those detours — that’s where new ideas live.

Stay flexible, and let the process surprise you.

Try This:

  • When things don’t work, see it as a pivot, not a problem. Ask yourself: What’s the new opportunity here?
  • Experiment with different mediums or techniques if something feels stale — keep evolving.

Final Thought: Show Up

At the end of the day, the secret is simple: show up for your creativity.

Whether you’re feeling it or not, whether the ideas are flowing or stalling, the act of showing up is where the real work happens.

That’s how you get better, how you find clarity, and how you turn vision into reality.

Focus and discipline aren’t about perfection — they’re about progress.

Stay locked in, keep pushing, and let the process do its thing.

Keep creating, keep building, and always remember — it’s all part of the journey.


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Jason Guillard

Founder of FLASHWORLD & BlueRatio. Creator of ‘1000 Questions for Artists’—inspiring creative journeys worldwide.