App for selling used devices: Case Study

Areej Almarri
Published in
3 min readDec 18, 2021

First week with Misk Academy’s UX/UI Immersive Course.

Project 1

Our project was about reselling electronic devices and the target users were mothers who are trying to buy used electronics for their kids.

Why did we choose reselling electronics?

Despite the development of humans in the electronics industry and how useful it is in our daily lives, there are negatives that we cannot ignore any longer. E-waste continues to grow as well with every new model in the market.

We came up with two main points that we would like to accomplish through our project:

1- Help users find used electronics in good shape with a trustworthy journey.

2- Raise awareness to consumers about e-waste and how harmful it is to the environment.


We interviewed 6 mothers with these interview questions:

1- what was the reason for you to buy a used device?

2- How much are you willing to spend on electronic devices for your kids?

3- Have you ever bought a used device before? Where?

4- Describe your experience?

5- What are the “standers” in the used devices that must-have?

Affinity Mapping…

Affinity mapping


We understood from these data:

1- The reason for mothers to buy used devices is related to the budget.

2- Their experiences with sellers and platforms weren’t great so far.

3- Trusting the quality of the devices is a must.

So, what is the solution?

Our solution is: to build a mobile application for used devices that serves an easy and clear user experience. Also, consider the factor of trust between the seller and the buyer.

Let’s begin building

User flow…

User flow

We designed an easy user flow that starts with the signing-in process that led to the home page, if the user decided to purchase then it goes to cart and then payment. That’s it … fast and easy flow.



The task was to purchase an item. We changed a lot in this phase, but this is our final sketch before testing paper prototyping. We used icons and buttons with descriptions to make it easy for the user to know where everything goes.



After testing the sketch, we came up with a few enhancements that include sellers rating, keeping the user noted about each step like paying with a card and after the payment.

What have I learned?

I learned about writing research and articles; it is one of my major pain points. Interviewing people and understanding their struggles before deciding the solution.

This project gave me the initial skills to have as a UX designer.



Areej Almarri

Hello everyone my name is Areej I’m a UX/UI designer, interested in art and finding solutions to problems. “work smarter not harder”