How accessible it is !!!

Vasanth Sankar
Published in
4 min readJun 21, 2022

Oh yes, you can read this again and again. Then it’s accessible to you.

The Journey of coffee — PC: Nathan Dumlao

Accessibility design has the power and responsibility to connect people’s emotions

Day by day technology is improving our daily lifestyle and empowering the growth of the remote culture. We need to give the right support and the right environment through accessible design

In this digital era, smartphones became so close to Us, that people spend half of the day with them. So, we should make accessible design with great responsibility.

It should be accessible to everyone, in such a way that It should not be meant only for disabled people. We must strive to make the design accessible to all groups of people without any discrimination.

In reality…

It’s really difficult to find an accessible world for everyone. In this world, accessible design is commonly meant only for the people with disabilities and we missed out on the people with mental health, stress, brain injuries, alzheimer’s, mild cognitive impairment in old age, autism, mobility impairments…

We missed out to design for a large fraction of people

We need to make it accessible, to both Mentally and Physically challenged people

Pandemic’s impact on Mental health: As everyone knows pandemic impacted our mental health and wellbeing. Many people are cast down and messed up by self-inflicted unintentional death. At times smartphones are a lifesaver for many, such that they need to balance their life within the four walls using smartphones.

How accessible are our apps?

A few days back one of my friends was greatly cast down by mental health stress and he self-inflicted to unintentional death.

Before he took this decision- he posted some mentally depressed content on his social media wall.

How we could Save the life !!!

By using Intelligence we read the content of the user and make business with it. but, the moment we can get the most memorable in their life from history/ memories and we can project to them. As we can try to change their mind at the moment, by looking back at the memories or Can make to have a chat with their most frequently contacted ones.

The art of Self-care!!!

I knew a person with spinal cord injury, He was always frustrated with taking care of himself.

One day this person got a failure alert on his smartphone with sad content & fear haptic alert, during that moment his stress level increased and he got frustrated with his smartphone.

In General, people used to get overwhelmed by messing up with the wrong content at the wrong time.

We should design in such a way that alerts like these are more informative and Interactive rather than causing frustration and anxiety. That is the power of Accessible design.

In apps we use, people use to think only about the visual interface, colours, sound, text, voice… and not about the content, readability of text, background, contrast, sketches, interactions, sizes, and loading time, crashes, auto input technology,…

Let’s see some examples in smartphones

Products Like Spotify,… works with the user's data and works as per user needs. Here I can control and customise my preference of music seamlessly, from the mac app — for my smartphone.

Spotify- seamless transition from mac app to mobile app

When I am connecting my headphone, iOS will made my work easier by recommending that- I am often using Spotify with headphone so I can trigger from there to connect my music application

Spotify works as per the user’s needs and usage

Apple made Focus feature to make your life balanced during stressful times like pandemic. We can switch over to different usage modes like personal, official and based on your preference. This feature will enhance your smartphone usage, showing the preferred recommendations at the right time for the user.

iOS makes us focus

All we need to do is make people’s work easier. How many iOS users felt happy by using the auto-type feature instead of typing OTP!!! This can save them from getting errors from mismatched fields.

With the accessible design, We can customise apps based on the context and needs of the user from the application

Design for Accessibility

Some features that can save larger market are

  • Proper guide with instructions
  • Navigations
  • Touch with Interactive effects
  • Should save people from errors
  • Data as per their needs and usage

Using this we must make human-centred accessible designs for all humans, which will also help to attract all types of people to your application.



Vasanth Sankar

Product Designer, Creative visualizer, Illustrator, Cyclist, Wanderlust ❤