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How to level up your UX design career

Sam Hamilton


The internet is flooded with articles about how to get into the field of UX and how to follow the basics of the UX process. As I’ve navigated my career over the last 10 years I’ve found that there isn’t much out there beyond those basics. I’ve had to learn as a I go and try to absorb as much career advice from others as possible. If you’re a UX designer looking to level up your career, there are several steps you can take to achieve your goals.

Keep learning and expanding your skill set

The field of UX design is constantly evolving, and it’s essential to keep up with new technologies, trends, and design methodologies. Stay on top of the latest tools and techniques by reading industry articles (like this one- look at you leveling up already), attending webinars, and taking online courses. Expand your skill set by learning something new. Recently, after attending a presentation from Ironhack, I’ve started learning all about AI tools and how to apply them to my design process. It’s been hugely helpful. You can read about it here.

Maintain a strong portfolio

Unless you’re actively job hunting, it’s easy to forget about your portfolio as a seasoned designer. It’s essential to showcase your best work and demonstrate your design skills, problem-solving abilities, and thought process. Additionally, regularly maintaining it forces you to consider your process and how you do things with each project you add. This will help you to see gaps in your practices and think critically about how you do things on a daily basis.

Network and collaborate

Networking is essential in any industry, and UX design is no exception. Attend industry events, join UX design groups on social media, and connect with other professionals in the field. Collaborate with other designers, developers, and stakeholders on projects to build relationships and gain exposure to different perspectives and ideas.

Seek feedback and criticism

Constructive criticism is an essential part of growth and development as a UX designer. Seek feedback from other designers, mentors, and stakeholders on your work, and be open to constructive criticism. Take the feedback into account and use it to improve your designs and processes. If you aren’t open to constructive criticism your designs/processes can only go so far. One of the most challenging things for UX designers to do is maintaining an insatiable curiosity when confronted with blocking feedback. It’s challenging to set aside frustration from receiving criticism and use it to fuel exploration, but it is a must. Even seasoned designers struggle with this.

Develop soft skills

Designer, storyteller, project manager, researcher, leader, writer — these are all tasks that have fallen under the role of “UX Designer” at one point or another in my career. Soft skills are essential in any career, and UX design is no exception. As a UX designer, you need to be an effective communicator, collaborator, and problem-solver. Develop your soft skills by improving your communication skills, learning to work in teams, and honing your presentation skills.

Find a mentor

A mentor can provide valuable guidance, support, and feedback as you navigate your career as a UX designer. Look for a mentor who has experience in skills that you’re interested in improving. This doesn’t mean they have to be a UX designer- one of the best mentors I ever had was a Sr. Director of Project Management (thanks Anand!). Try to find someone who shares your values and interests, and is willing to share their knowledge and experience. Most importantly, once you find a mentor, be engaged and prepared with questions for them and apply their advice in your work.

Seek out opportunities for growth

Look for opportunities to take on new challenges and responsibilities that will help you grow as a UX designer. Volunteer for projects outside your comfort zone, take on leadership roles, and seek out opportunities for professional development and advancement. You should be trying to think broader and more systemically in your organization— beyond daily design work. What is your manager most excited about? How can you support them? If your organization has leveling documentation, use it as a guide for what to focus on next.

Leveling up your UX design career takes time, effort, and a willingness to learn and grow. I always say, if you’re completely comfortable then you probably aren’t growing. By expanding your skill set, building a strong portfolio, networking and collaborating, seeking feedback and criticism, developing soft skills, finding a mentor, and seeking out opportunities for growth, you can take your career to the next level and achieve your professional goals.



Sam Hamilton

A Senior UX Designer with 10+ years of experience in the field. Sam has worked in Cybersecurity, Retail, Healthcare, and Government as a UX designer.