How to Rank a Medium Article on Google

4 tips you need to follow ASAP!

Romi Rafiq


Screenshot by Author: Article ranking as the second search result

I did it again; I gave into the temptation. I had promised myself I won’t look at my stats every single day. I had also promised myself I won’t obsess over followers and views.

But it’s a good thing I did. Because that’s how I realized that one of my Medium articles has a whopping 90.4% of traffic coming from Google!

That is INSANE for me! My first thought was:

Wait, what? How are most of the views from Google? Did I become a celebrity overnight?

My alter ego: Calm down, Romi. It’s not like you got a million views.

Me: Yeah, I know. But for someone who just started posting online and wasn’t hoping for these stats, it’s a huge thing!

That was me fighting with my self-doubting mind. But first, a little backstory before I give you the

5 tips to rank your Medium article on Google

Hey, wait. Don’t leave. You’ll like it, I promise 🤪

So, I jumped onto Google and typed in “ChatGPT” to see if it was ranking on this keyword and immediately laughed at myself.

Image by cookie_studio on Freepik

You’re not a big name in the tech industry. How can you expect to be ranked at such a vast keyword?

Thinking this, I typed “can ChatGPT replace writers,” and there it was! The apple of my eye. ON THE SECOND PLACE!

But why? Why would MY article be ranked when it was just filled with my thoughts and not a whole ChatGPT tutorial filled with keywords and specific knowledge about the AI tool?

I was determined to get an answer for two main reasons. I wanted to:

  1. Tell the world how to do it.
  2. Apply the same to all of my coming articles.

So, after turning several rocks of various sizes, here’s what I found:

How to rank on Google tip #1: Keywords are your friends

If you say duh, even in your mind, I’m going to stop right here! 🤨

Just kidding. You have all the right to say that but hear me out because I’m not going to say what you think I’m going to say.

Because I didn’t do keyword research for this article. AT ALL!

Then why am I talking about keywords? Because that’s what ChatGPT told me! Yes, the infamous AI tool was one of the rocks I turned. How?

It was quite simple. I just copied the link, pasted it on ChatGPT and asked it why this article ranks on Google.

Do what you will with that information, but I just gave you another way to use ChatGPT (the right way🤪) I have more tricks like this up my sleeve. Let me know in the comments if you want me to roll it down.

Back to the article in question. Where was I? Yes, keywords. So, as I was saying, I didn’t pay for tools like SEMrush, or Ahrefs.

All I did was use the main word “ChatGPT” multiple times in headings and text. I also used the main idea of the article in the headings i.e. why this tool can and can’t replace writers.

You don’t have to do extensive research and always come up with keywords that are low competition and high volume! You just have to be mindful of what people are searching for. Which brings me to my next point.

How to rank on Google tip #2: Google wants you to help people

Google ranks articles that are insightful and share complete knowledge of the topic at hand.

But Romi, you said your article doesn’t have tutorials about ChatGPT. Then how is the knowledge complete?

Image by jcomp on Freepik

If that’s the thought crossing your mind, ask yourself what the article was about. Was it about how to use ChatGPT? Or was it about whether or not ChatGPT can replace writers?

Yes, the second one!

And was is my article doing? It is giving readers reasons why ChatGPT can replace writers and why it can’t.

There you are. Complete information that gave the readers exactly what they came for!

But let me tell you a secret. The information didn’t come only from research. I added my own 2 cents in it.

How to rank on Google tip #3: Add your own twist

And by twist, I mean tricks and opinions.

For example, in the ranked article, I dedicated the last heading to my thoughts about how to use ChatGPT.

Also, I didn’t just state the reasons why it can and can’t replace writers. I gave logical explanations to back my claims.

So, what does that teach us?

That you shouldn’t only reword your research. You should add bits and pieces that make your personality shine through!

BTW, how well is MY personality shining in this one? 😜

How to rank on Google tip #4: Add it in a publication

I’ve said it a million times, and I will say it again,

Add your articles to a publication!

It is the best way to get more traction especially if you have less followers. And the best part?

They share the articles on other websites!

This gives Google the impression that your content is sharable and likeable and BOOM! Ranked!

So, choose a publication that you think is relevant to your niche. If you aren’t a writer in the publication yet, research how to get added.

Follow their instructions and once you’re added, you can click the three dots at the top-right corner of the editor.

Next, select “Add to publication” and wait for them to publish it!

That was all for the tips folks.

But to avoid my comment section getting spammed, I would like to make a disclaimer.

It’s not guaranteed that your article will rank too. The topic was fairly new and easy to get ranked on.

It also depends on whether the readers are reading and liking your content or not. The more engagement it gets, the higher it ranks!

Hi, I am Romi, with a pen in one hand a cup of coffee in the other, I’m a wordsmith extraordinaire who has been crafting compelling copy that tickles the imagination and drives results for the past 5+ years.

I sprinkle magic on bland phrases, transforming them into captivating stories that dance off the page into the hearts of your target audience.

If you would like to get copywriting, SEO article writing, or ghostwriting services that blow up your sales, just shoot me a message here: or on twitter.



Romi Rafiq

Blogger and copywriter at Alifya Studio. Obsessed with books and skincare. Open for freelance writing. Reach out: