How To Show Numbers on Your Resume — Even If You Don't Have Any

If you have improved user retention by 30% after working on a product, it makes your resume stronger, right? But what if you left the project before metrics were evaluated, or what if you can’t think of any numbers to showcase in your portfolio?

Ilma Andrade


Do you ever feel like a recruiter would hire you instantly if they could see your daily work, yet you feel frustrated while trying to capture all of that on a resume?

Well, I've got you covered! Today I will get you numbers to make your resume shine like never before! 😉

Note: What I share in the conclusion is the most important part, it comes when your resume is finally selected, please, don't miss it.

Why numbers

Numbers are a powerful way to convey your professional story to hiring managers. They provide concrete evidence of your impact, value, and experience, making it easier for them to understand the scope of your work and the results you achieve.

Image by the author — created with canva

[you] — But, Ilma, I don't have impactful numbers like that

[me] — Don't worry, we will get there.



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