How we made NFTs based on AI
NFTs are rarely associated with something more meaningful than beautiful images. Blending our techno knowledge and literature passion, we’ve built AI-driven NFT creation that allows users to maintain ideas as images. Discover our step-by-step journey to learn more about quotes, images, and even whole stories made by AI and how we actually did it.
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Table of content:
- Idea and process creation
- Research
- Result
The idea
The idea originates in our love for literature and modern technology. We tried to find a way to combine the two, to give people an opportunity to see with their own eyes the result of such a combination. Moreover, one of our goals was to empower users to become owners of something beautiful and, possibly, even to raise some money. Another reason we started creating NFTs is that usually all of them are very similar. Our goal was to generate ideas, concepts, not mere images.
We chose 7 classic authors and selected 700 quotes from their books. From each quote, you can create 10 unique NFTs. In addition, we offer 30 premium NFTs that you can find on the opensea (soon). Moreover, you will receive a paper book for each purchased premium NFT with the same NFT on the cover for free.
How it works
The process is based on an algorithm that generates an NFT from a lot of different small pieces of images that we prepared before for each quote. The minting process takes place right on the site after selecting a quote and is invisible to the user.
Customer’s side (What customer sees)
Сustomer only has to choose the quote that they like from 3 options. When an NFT image has been generated, it is stored on our website and the user has full access to it at any time.
💎 AI generated NFT-stories
One more thing that I’ve mentioned before is that we prepared a great deal for those clients who bought all our authors. When you have 7 NFTs (one from each author) you can get 1 unique NFT story of your choosing absolutely for free. AI Da Vinci helps us make stunning stories. You can see an example of such a story below:
UX research
Every product creation should start with research to understand the market and the target audience. What an average NFT buyer is like? Having asked ourselves this question, we began our research and came to such characteristics:
Concept creation
We have never done such products before so we reviewed a lot of NFT resources to understand the standard and tried to find direct competitors. Based on our personas we made rough wireframes to transfer all the knowledge that we have collected on paper. So we started creating a mood board to find the correct style for our audience to display our idea. First drafts of UX-writing were here as well to understand exactly how we want to communicate with our customers, to define the tone of voice. An interesting observation is that all NFT sites on resources for designers look almost the same, while real projects are very different from each other — from very simple 1 screen pages to very huge with a lot of animation masterpieces.
We want to move iteratively, step by step, to make sure we reach the end and we want our NFT buyers to know what our product development plan is. So here is the list of ideas and features that we created during brainstorming sessions. We have arranged it on the prioritization matrix to illustrate the implementation order.
Of course, it’s just a tiny experiment with NFTs that we’ve tried, and it is too early to say about any possible outcome. However, we’ll be working on this project until we get results we want!