If you read only one User Experience book, make sure it’s this one

Many UX themed books have come and gone, but this 2013 classic is eternal

Chris Kernaghan


Cover for The UX Team of One

Not long after graduating University, I started work as a frontend developer for a local agency. Frontend developer is probably a bit generous, actually. I effectively took concepts that had already been designed, and “built them” using HTML and CSS. I’d then pass these builds onto a developer, and they’d work their wizardry to plug it into whatever content management system the client requested.

Day in, day out, this was my job. For a recent graduate, it paid a decent amount, and the team I worked with were a great bunch of folks. But I hated it. I hated the monotony, the repetition and the lack of autonomy. I wanted to contribute more. I wanted to help design products from inception. I wanted to talk to everyday people, and understand how they think.

Thankfully, my perception of work, and the entire trajectory of my career, transformed when I read Leah Buley’s The User Experience Team of One.

User Experience Lonely Hearts Club



Chris Kernaghan

Designer. Owner of wearefounders.uk and feedme.design. Perpetually outdoors with the kids. Avid reader of books.