Learn principle of visibility in 4 steps

Learn to identify and practice the principle of visibility in daily life. How the principle of visibility helps us navigate from airports to apps, and everything in between.

Sakshi Negi
8 min readSep 8, 2024


Imagine arriving late at a busy airport for a flight that leaves in less than 30 minutes. You have got your bag slung over your shoulder, your boarding pass glowing on your phone, and your heart is racing as you dash through the airport.

AI generated image of a confused girl
AI Generated image of a confused girl

Then chaos ensues: The flight information screens are obscured by a crowd of people, and you are unable to see the signs leading to your gate. As the minutes tick by, tension builds and the prospect of missing your flight starts to take hold.

Imagine instead the exact opposite: clear, concise signs that point you in the direction of your gate; screens that are placed precisely where you need them; and everything laid out so intuitively that you can navigate the terminal with ease and clarity.

It’s a totally different experience, right?

That’s the visibility principle in action. It’s not just about making apps easier to use — it’s about turning everyday moments of stress and confusion into seamless experiences. Your experience is shaped by visibility, whether you’re using a new device, boarding a flight, or even just figuring out the exit at a parking garage.

How to read this article
1. Read the TLDR; for the summary
2. Jump to the Topic you want to read by clicking on the link in Table of Contents.
3. Jump to Key Aspects of the Visibility Principle or How do you practise using visibility : Steps
if you want to head first into learnings

Table of Contents

· What is Visibilty?
· You wish they were Improved…
1. My Mother’s biggest Problem
2. Stuck at 10
3. Where is the flour?
4. My earphones hate me
· Key Aspects of the Visibility Principle:
· How do you practise using visibility : Steps


  • What is Visibility ? Visibility makes everyday experiences smoother by ensuring critical elements are easy to find and understand, turning confusion into clarity.
  • Visibility in Daily Life : Learn how visibility can solve common problems with items like gas stoves, clocks, and packaging, making your daily life more intuitive.
  • Key Aspects:
  1. Show What’s Important: Display critical controls and info prominently.
  2. Display Status and Feedback: Provide clear updates and feedback.
  3. Intuitive Navigation: Use recognizable labels and icons.
  4. Minimize Cognitive Load: Make functions and info easy to find.
  5. Highlight Errors: Clearly indicate and guide on mistakes.
  • Steps to Practice Visibility: Identify common frustrations in your day-to-day life, voice your complaints, and see how making things more visible could provide the solution.

What is Visibilty?

Visibility emphasizes the importance of making essential elements visible, accessible, and easily discoverable, ensuring that users can intuitively understand what actions are possible at any given moment.

This definition looks good.
But how do I apply the principle?
So I started looking around my house. Kitchen Appliances seemed like a good place to start.

My eyes fell on the most used appliance in the kitchen. The gas stove.

You wish they were Improved…

1. My Mother’s biggest Problem

Gas Stove

I have often heard my mom complain about things that were wrong with it and I would normally just nod along.


Complaint 1 : I wish I knew when the gas ports are dirty so that I can get them cleaned on time (need to contact the service centre to get it cleaned).
What is the problem? The burner might be clogged with food or grease debris, which can prevent the gas from flowing to the igniter.

Cleaning gas stove

Complaint 2 : I sometimes get uneven flames because burner caps were misaligned
What is the problem? If the burner cap isn’t tightened properly, the flame might be weak.

Complaint 3 : I never know when the gas cylinder needs to be changed before time
What is the problem? Running out of gas unexpectedly, which can interrupt cooking and potentially cause inconvenience. Lack a reliable way to monitor the gas level, leading to interruptions in their cooking process.

All of these complaints can be addressed by applying the principle of visibility :

  • Dirty Ports of Gas:
    I wish there was a visible indicator that shows when the gas ports are dirty so that I can get them cleaned promptly and maintain an efficient flame.
  • Misaligned Burner Cap:
    I wish there was a visual guide or alignment marker on the burner cap so that I can quickly see if it’s properly positioned, avoiding uneven flames and frustration.
  • Gas Pressure:
    I wish the stove had built-in sensors that monitor the gas flow or pressure. This way, when the gas level drops below a certain point, an indicator would alert me to replace the gas cylinder before it runs out, so I can avoid interruptions.

2. Stuck at 10


Clock stuck at 10

Next my eyes fell on the clock on the adjacent wall. And I started thinking was there any problem I faced while using this clock?
And then I remembered the time when the clock was stuck at 10 AM for all of two days because I did not change the batteries.

Could this problem be fixed by visibility?

I wish there was a way to see the remaining battery level so that I could replace the batteries on time.

3. Where is the flour?

Name of the product
I love cooking and I like to think I am great cook too but as all amateurs I am always struggling to follow the recipe. In all the confusion and haste, imagine if you grab the wrong ingredient because they look the same — end result : a ruined dish.

I often make use of all purpose flour which is white in color. Now imagine my consternation — all flours are stored in the same place and there is another type of flour which is white in colour : rice flour.

This is how the packets look.
Notice, the name of the product is nowhere to be seen on the front of the packaging. 😕

Name of the product not visible on front packaging. Both packets look the same — white flour inside. How do you differentiate?

Now I will give you a challenge. Find the product name in the following image.
The font is so small. Ruined a great many dishes. 😔

Find the name of the product. Font size so small my eyes hurt.

Could this problem be fixed by visibility?
✔ ️Yes.

I wish the product name was displayed on the front of the packaging in a font size that’s easy to read.

4. My earphones hate me

Bluetooth earphone

bluetooth earphones

I was so excited when I received my new earphones. It was everything I wanted — great sound quality, long battery life, quick charging , and noise cancellation. They were perfect!

But all good things come to an end.

Volume very high

Every time I plugged in my earphones the volume would be set at the highest volume level. What was supposed to be the best earphones around turned into a nightmare for my ears.

Now before I played anything on my phone — I made sure that my volume was at a level my ears could handle.
And you can guess how many times I actually remember to do that.

Could this problem be fixed by visibility?

I wish there was a message that would pop up as soon as I plug in my earphones telling me the volume is too high for hearning.

Key Aspects of the Visibility Principle:

Here’s a refined version of the key aspects with reduced repetitive phrasing:

  1. Show What’s Important Clearly:
    Critical elements, such as controls, information, and options, must be plainly visible and accessible. This clarity enables users to quickly identify which actions are accessible, speeding conversations. For example, a clearly labelled “Save” button in an app, an easily accessible volume knob on a stereo, or a conspicuous hazard lights button on a car dashboard all help to streamline the user experience.

2. Display System Status and Feedback:
Give users unambiguous feedback, such as progress indicators, alarms, or status updates. This transparency keeps customers informed of the system’s present state, whether it’s a loading page on a website or the status of a laundry cycle.

3. Intuitive Design and Navigation:
Clear labels, instantly identifiable icons, easily accessible buttons, and easy navigation are all necessary for good user experience. When a user can easily locate a function in an app or locate the correct switch on a household appliance, the effort required on their part is minimised through intuitive design.

4. Minimize Cognitive Load:
Finding controls on a remote or locating a software settings option shouldn’t require users to guess locations or memorise hidden features. By making actions and information visible, products can be used with less mental effort.

5. Highlight Errors and Provide Guidance:
Indicate mistakes clearly and provide instructions on how to fix them. Error messages, visible instructions, or warning lights help consumers fix problems, whether they’re filling out a form or troubleshooting a gadget.

These aspects emphasize the importance of making essential information and actions visible, whether you’re designing digital interfaces or physical products, ultimately enhancing usability and user confidence in interacting with any system.

How do you practise using visibility : Steps

  1. Look around your house and think of products that you use in your day to day life — in my case that was gas stove, clock, a packet of all purpose flour, earphones.
  2. Think of problems that you have recently faced in your day-to-day life.
  3. Voice your complaints.
  4. Think : Can visibility help solve this problem?
    ❌No > Move On
    ✔Yes > You just practised using visibility

I hope you all enjoyed reading this as much as I enjoyed doing this mini exercise. If you found this article helpful, please consider sharing it with others who might benefit from it.

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