Improving retention on fitso

Sakshi Negi
Published in
8 min readJan 20, 2024

This is a case study for PM School Challenge. Fitso is a fitness-based mobile app striving to help individuals achieve their fitness goals.

As part of the case study we need to create a habit formation feature, so that users are motivated to continue their journey on the app and you are able to retain such quality users.

Competed against top talents and placed 2nd.

Image of a person swimming. Used here because Fitso is a fitness app

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Table of Contents

· Table of Contents
· Problem Statement
· Overview
Key Offerings
Available Sports
· User Persona
· Gamifying FITSO
Personalized Omnichannel Communication
Example Notifications to be sent
How do notifications and Reminder help the player?
· Feature 2 : Experience Points and Bar
What is Experience Points and Bar?
How does having XP help the player?
You can Earn XP in various ways
· Feature 3 : Dash Board
What is Dashboard?
How does Dashboard help Users?
· Feature 4 : Player’s Journey and Levelling Up
What is Player’s Journey?
What is Levelling Up?
How does Player’s Journey and Levelling Up help the player?
· Feature 5 : Goals
What is Goals?
How does Goals help the Player?
Players can set their goal on account creation. This can range from
· Feature 6: Streaks
What are Streaks?
How do Streaks help the Player?
· Prioritization
· Metrics
· Go-To-Market

Problem Statement

Fitso is a fitness-based mobile app striving to help individuals achieve their fitness goals. It is built for health-conscious people to find fitness activities and training partners and connect with coaches and professionals. In 2021, Zomato which acquired Fitso earlier, divested it for $50million to Curefit Healthcare.

You’ve joined Fitso as Chief Product Officer.

Looking at user funnels, you have noticed that users do not get retained on your app post their 1st session. You want to create a habit formation feature in your app, so that users are motivated to continue their journey on the app and you are able to retain such quality users.

Certificate I won after placing second


Fitso makes fitness accessible and affordable for people who want to play sports to get fit, by standardising the sports facilities, implementing best practices in facility management using tech and providing highly trained coaches.

Key Offerings

Key offerings

Available Sports

Available Sports



User Persona

User Persona

Gamifying FITSO

Gamifying Journey


Personalized Omnichannel Communication

Notifications and reminders are tailored to individual users’ needs and preferences, making them more relevant and engaging.

Example Notifications to be sent

Trigger : 2 hr after Session Completion
Content : Maintain your Streak and Earn Points.
Trigger : 6 hr after Session Completion
Content : New Session Videos unlocked. Watch and Earn Points.
Trigger : 2 hrs before their first session timing
Content : Book your 2nd Session
Trigger : 50 XP left to proceed to next level
Content : Book your next session and Level Up.
Channels : Push Notifications, Email, SMS, Whatsapp etc.

How do notifications and Reminder help the player?

  • Encourages consistency: Notifications and reminders help users maintain their goals and be consistent on their fitness journey.
  • Reduces forgetfulness: By providing reminders and nudges, notifications help reduce forgetfulness and ensure that users don’t miss a session.
  • Notifications can help users track their progress towards goals and milestones, keeping them motivated and engaged.

Feature 2 : Experience Points and Bar

What is Experience Points and Bar?

  • Experience points (XP) are awarded for progress in your fitness journey. XP is meant to reflect a player’s progress and skill level.
  • Experience points (XP) measure player progress and determine player level and rank.
  • The experience bar shows progress towards the next level.
  • The right side of the bar displays current XP and the total XP needed to level up.
  • XP requirements increase with each level to to keep the player’s fitness journey challenging.

How does having XP help the player?

  1. Motivation: XP can serve as a motivator for players to progress.
  2. Progress Tracking: XP allows players to track their progress and see how their skills are improving over time.
  3. Sense of Accomplishment: XP rewards players for their achievements and gives them a sense of accomplishment.
  4. Competitive Environment: XP can create a competitive environment where players are incentivized to strive for higher scores and rankings.

You can Earn XP in various ways

Session Completed : 15 XP
Tests Completed : 10 XP
Watch Session Videos : 5 XP
Log a Session : 5 XP

Feature 3 : Dash Board

Dashboard feature — Dashboard is a tool used to track and monitor metrics and progress over time.

What is Dashboard?

  • Dashboard is a tool used to track and monitor metrics and progress over time.
  • The Dashboard will differ depending on the sports being tracked.
  • Dashboard will help track the following
  1. Number of Session /Week/Month
  2. Assessment Result from Tests — Test Score, Strengths and Weaknesses
  3. Time to Level — How much time taken per level
  4. Sport Specific Metrics — These are to be tracked by the user

eg: Swimming
Pace — How fast you can swim /Different Stroke
Number of Laps
Longest Distance /Different Stroke
Best Time /Different Stroke

How does Dashboard help Users?

  • Encourages consistency: Notifications and reminders help users maintain their goals and be consistent on their fitness journey.
  • Reduces forgetfulness: By providing reminders and nudges, notifications help reduce forgetfulness and ensure that users don’t miss a session.
  • Notifications can help users track their progress towards goals and milestones, keeping them motivated and engaged.

Feature 4 : Player’s Journey and Levelling Up

Player’s Journey and Levelling Up

What is Player’s Journey?

  • Player’s Journey gives pictorial view of the levels to be achieved by the player.
  • Each level would have a Level Preview : What is coming in the upcoming sessions.
  • Each Level has Videos on Techniques learnt during the session, Common Mistakes, Tips and Drills.
  • People who are assigned any level above Level 1 can view the videos and drills of previous levels and earn 5 XP

What is Levelling Up?

  • After assessment by Coach during the first Session — a level is assigned to the player.
  • Each level has Minimum sessions to attend, Tests that needs to be passed and XP to be achieved.
  • To pass to the next level the player needs to pass tests, attend minimum sessions and earn XP.

How does Player’s Journey and Levelling Up help the player?

  1. Takes the guesswork out of making progress and provide you with the peace of mind that you’ll reach your goals in time.
  2. Access to new drills, Tips and Common Mistakes.
  3. Review Sessions : Players can review what they have learnt in their sessions and common mistakes that are made.
  4. Tracking progress and setting goals.
  5. A sense of achievement and satisfaction
  6. Motivation and encouragement to maintain their fitness journey.

Feature 5 : Goals

What is Goals?

With Goals Players get to decide the frequency of times they attend sessions. Selecting a goal will help players stay motivated on their fitness journey. Every time they hit their goal for the week they are awarded with XP.

How does Goals help the Player?

  1. Accountability: By setting and goals, users hold themselves accountable and are more likely to stick to their fitness plan.
  2. Focus: Setting goals helps users focus on what is important and prioritize their fitness activities.

Players can set their goal on account creation. This can range from

1 Session / Week : 10 XP
2 Sessions / Week : 20 XP
3 or more Sessions / Week : 30 XP

Feature 6: Streaks

What are Streaks?

  • You are on a streak if you’ve tracked your session within 24 hour window of your session. Your streak count will increase by 1 for every tracked session.
  • What to track after session completion?
    Sport Specific Metrics — These are to be tracked by the user
  • What are Streak Milestone?
    Streak Milestones are the number of sessions for which player consecutively needs to track their sessions. Points are associated with each milestone.
  • How to keep a streak going?
    To keep a streak going, the player must track session within 24 hour window of their session. If they fail to do so, their streak count will reset to 0.

How do Streaks help the Player?

  1. Motivation : The longer the streak is, the more motivation you have to maintain it.
  2. Provides positive reinforcement: Seeing a long streak of consecutive days can provide positive reinforcement and encourage users to continue using the app.
  3. Status Symbol : Streaks act as a status symbol.




North Star Metric
# of Booked Session/ Week(), # of Repeat Sessions/Week()
# of users that viewed the level preview videos, # of users who completed onboarding, # of users who clicked on lessons
# of users who have watched videos 75% of videos in their respective level, # of users who engage with point related notifications and open app
Success Metric
# of Second Session Booked/Week, # of New Memberships/Month
App Loading Time, #of Performance Crashes reported
NPS, App Store and Play Store Rating and Review
Other Product Level Metrics
# of New Memberships, Revenue, Retention Rate, Churn Rate, DAU, MAU


Go to Market

User and Market Research

  • Understand what are the user’s pain points and what can be improved.
  • Analyze what the competition is doing.
  • Design Player’s Journey, Dashboard with help from Coaches.

Feature Development

  • Create features for a single sport : starting with Swimming.
  • Prioritize the identified features.
  • Design and develop the features.
  • Test the feature and check if it passes laid out acceptance criteria.

Pre Launch
Promote the new features to generate awareness using different platforms such as blog posts, email marketing, press releases, or social media posts.

Beta launch
Release it to users enrolled in beta program


  • Gather feedback and usage data from the beta testing.
  • Conduct qualitative interviews with beta users to understand any pain points.
  • Track metrics

Rework and Final Release

  • After reworking on all the bugs, and making all the changes as per the feedback, we can roll out the product.
  • Track the success metrics after launch.
  • Continue to promote the features.

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