Mastering emotional intelligence for creative teams: a laid-back guide

Jason Guillard
Published in
4 min readJul 5, 2024

Working on creative projects with others can be a blast, but it also comes with emotional ups and downs. If you want to be a better team player and keep things cool, here’s a guide to help you embrace different perspectives and ideas while working with a team.

#1 Understanding Emotional Intelligence

Emotional Intelligence (EI) is your ability to recognize, understand, manage, and influence your emotions and those of others. It’s about using your feelings to guide your actions and interactions, especially in a team setting. EI has four key parts:

  1. Self-Awareness: Know what you’re feeling and why.
  2. Self-Management: Keep your emotions in check.
  3. Social Awareness: Understand where others are coming from emotionally.
  4. Relationship Management: Build solid relationships through good communication and handling conflicts well.

#2 Steps to Keep Your Cool

Practice Mindfulness

Mindfulness is essential. Implement these practices:

  • Meditate: Spend 5–10 minutes each morning just chilling out and clearing your mind. Use apps like Headspace or Calm.
  • Deep Breathing: When you’re feeling stressed, take 5 deep breaths. Inhale through your nose, hold it, and exhale slowly through your mouth.

Identify Triggers

Recognize what triggers strong emotions and develop strategies to manage these triggers:

  • Journal: Write down times when something or someone got under your skin during team sessions. Reflect on what caused it and how you reacted.
  • Plan: Come up with ways to handle these triggers, like taking a quick walk, doing some deep breathing, or stepping away for a moment to cool off.

Set Boundaries

Healthy boundaries are vital for protecting your emotional well-being and maintaining productive collaborations:

  • Communicate Clearly: Let others know your limits in a friendly but firm way. For example, if you need quiet time to focus, let your team know.
  • Take Breaks: Make sure you take regular breaks to recharge. It helps keep stress levels down and your emotional balance in check.

#3 Embrace Compassion in Teamwork

Practice Empathy

Understand and share the feelings of your collaborators:

  • Listen Actively: Give your full attention when your teammates are talking. Nod and give little verbal affirmations to show you’re listening.
  • Reflect Back: Repeat what the other person said to show you get it. For example, “Sounds like you’re really stressed about the deadline, right?”

Engage in Acts of Kindness

Small acts of kindness make a big impact:

  • Compliment: Give genuine compliments to your team members. Acknowledge their efforts and contributions.
  • Help Out: Offer to help someone who’s struggling with their part of the project. Even a small gesture can boost morale.

Maintain a Non-Judgmental Attitude

Approach others without judgment and be open-minded:

  • Assume Positive Intent: Trust that others are doing their best. This builds trust and cooperation.
  • Be Open-Minded: Welcome different perspectives without jumping to conclusions. Embrace the diverse ideas and experiences within your team.

#4 Use Your Emotional Intelligence

Self-Awareness Practices

  • Daily Check-In: Spend a few minutes each day thinking about your emotions and how they affected your behavior in the team. Ask yourself how you felt and why.
  • Emotional Vocabulary: Build a rich vocabulary to accurately describe your emotions. Understanding your feelings helps you manage them better.

Self-Management Strategies

  • Stress Management: Find ways to deal with stress, like exercise, hobbies, or mindfulness practices. Regular physical activity can significantly reduce stress levels.
  • Positive Outlook: Focus on the good stuff and practice gratitude daily. Keep a journal where you note down things you’re thankful for.

Social Awareness Techniques

  • Observation: Pay attention to body language and facial expressions to understand others’ emotions. Notice signs of stress or discomfort in your teammates.
  • Empathy Exercises: Regularly put yourself in others’ shoes to understand their feelings better. Ask yourself how you’d feel in their situation.

Relationship Management Skills

  • Effective Communication: Practice clear and respectful communication. Use “I” statements to express your feelings without blaming others (e.g., “I feel concerned when deadlines are missed”).
  • Conflict Resolution: Address conflicts calmly and look for win-win solutions. Focus on the issue, not personal attacks, and aim for a resolution that works for everyone.

#5 Be a Rock for Your Team

Active Listening

  • Be Present: Be fully there when someone is talking to you. Put away distractions and focus on the speaker.
  • Acknowledge: Show that you hear and understand them by nodding or using verbal affirmations. Repeat key points to ensure clarity.

Offer Constructive Feedback

  • Be Specific: Give clear examples of behavior and its impact. Avoid vague statements and focus on specific actions.
  • Be Kind: Frame your feedback in a supportive way. Offer suggestions for improvement rather than just pointing out flaws.

Encourage and Motivate

  • Positive Reinforcement: Celebrate others’ achievements and efforts. Regularly highlight individual and team successes.
  • Encouragement: Offer words of support during tough times. Remind your team of past successes and future potential.


  • Share Experience: Share your own experiences and lessons learned to guide others. Be honest about your struggles and how you overcame them.
  • Be Available: Make yourself available for support and advice when needed. Encourage team members to come to you with their concerns and questions.

Final Thoughts

Take control of your emotional landscape with confidence. By following these steps, you’ll become a better team member in creative projects, embracing other perspectives and ideas. This will not only help you manage your own emotions but also positively influence those around you.

Embrace your emotional intelligence, keep your balance, show compassion, and provide unwavering support and guidance to others. Build a supportive and emotionally intelligent team around you.

Feel free to share your thoughts and experiences in the comments. How do you manage your emotions and support others in your creative projects?

Take charge!

Looking for more, check out my follow-up post on advanced emotional intelligence for creative teams where we dive deeper into strategies for strengthening creative collaboration through emotional intelligence.



Jason Guillard

Founder of FLASHWORLD & BlueRatio. Creator of ‘1000 Questions for Artists’—inspiring creative journeys worldwide.